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The Big Picture

How Big?—How Soon?

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Let’s take a moment to draw some important final conclusions, some by way of questions.

By now it should be clear that the Israelite Remnant and the Great Multitude of Revelation are not synonymous—are not exactly the same group. But we are forced to ask: Would God introduce such an incredibly important event as is the appearance of the Great Multitude as late as the book of Revelation, and offer the reader no other clues about their identity—or how and why it was that hundreds of thousands or more likely many millions would suddenly repent and turn to God? And is it a coincidence that this repentance comes at exactly the same time the Remnant comes to repentance?

This alone should tell us that these events have to be in some way connected.
Some have thought the Great Multitude receive salvation in the first resurrection. Why would this occur when it is evident that even the Remnant is not scheduled for salvation at the end of what would just be one year of conversion for these scores of millions? The entire process of character-building would certainly not be possible in one year, and for such vast numbers besides. This is certainly not what God usually does. The Great White Throne Judgment for billions lasts 100 years—a long time! So it makes no sense that this would happen here forgreat numbers all at once.

In this same vein, some would naturally note that the Great Multitude are “clothed with white robes” (Rev. 7:9) and that they have “washed” them “in the blood of the Lamb” (Revelation 7:14). This certainly describes part of the conversion process. But the prophecy offers no evidence that, as happens with the 144,000, the spiritual“sealing” that comes with the receiving of God’s Spirit has taken place. (See John 6:27, Eph. 1:13, 4:30 and II Cor. 1:22.) If it had, why would God mention this all-important sealing in regard to the 144,000, but not in regard to the Great Multitude? (I cannot stress enough the importance of hearing this sermon series, but also in helping to understand key differences with the Great Multitude.)

Further, recall that Christ promises to lead the Great Multitude to the “living waters,” which we saw is the Holy Spirit (John 7:37-39). This happens later, because it is something we also saw “shall” occur, along with the other things that Christ declares He “shall” do for this vast throng of strangers coming with Israel.

The Great Multitude (as well as, of course, the Remnant) is shown to have access to God’s throne—they are “before the throne of God and serve Him day and night in His temple” (Rev. 7:15). Every Christian should of course realize that he can come before God’s throne anytime he wishes. But this is not evidence of full conversion with the Great Multitude.

Notice this basic description of what is actually happening every time a Christian prays: “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need” (Heb 4:16). This passage alone demonstrates that the Great Multitude “before God’s throne” is not a picture of people who have achieved salvation or who are, as some assert, a last-minute part of the 144,000, a group who obviouslydo receive salvation at the First Resurrection one year later upon Christ’s Return. It is merely a picture of peoples around the world who now realize that they can come in prayer to the throne room of God any time they wish. This marvelous gift of access has been given.

Mr. Armstrong never saw a need to explain the one-year gap between the appearance of the Great Multitude and the Return of Christ as a statement of when the multitude would be saved. The same is true of the Remnant. Although the reason is evident, this is now made plain. However, it is also plain that—and this is the important point—both the Remnant and the Great Multitude are protected from the plagues coming during the Day of the Lord.

But here is what is vitally important to realize will occur at the outset of the Millennium. It becomes apparent that all nations of the world will have a kind of early representation, or “advance guard,” who will almost certainly be part of the human structure of government in each nation, who serve under the God Family—the ruling Kingdom of God. (Of course, prophecy shows most of Earth’s remaining population will be temporary “holdouts” who will not quickly repent without more “stimulus” from God. See Zechariah 14:16-19.)

Foundation Laid!

Let’s pull back for a moment and look at this from a grander perspective. While all of what you have seen is certainly an exciting prophecy, the true picture is even much bigger than meets the eye.

A repentant Great Multitude from all nations (and, of course, with the Israelite Remnant) will bring a foundation—a starting point—from which the Law of God will spread throughout the world. (Also, recall Isaiah 2:1-4 and Micah 4:1-4 from Chapter One about how this will happen from Jerusalem.) So, from the outset of the Millennium people in every nation—the “holdouts”—will be able to observe that some around them reflect changed lives. They will see dramatically different attitudes and conduct—and that a new and different God is already being worshipped by small enclaves of people in every corner of the globe!

Are you seeing the importance of the remaining Work of God in a clearer light?

How This Will Happen

We can speak with certainty that millions around the world will be able to know what it means to repent and turn to the true God at the outset of His year of wrath. Here is why:

(1) The Two Witnesses will already have been at work for the two-and-a-half years of the Tribulation, explaining God’s Plan, as well as the timing of the Day of the Lord soon to occur, and they will have certainly called the nations to repent before time has expired and it is too late to avoid punishment. Of course, many will see the power and magnitude of the miracles that these two prophets will perform and will recognize that they are servants of God. Not everyone should be expected to blaspheme God and be unwilling to repent in the face of punishment, as some are foretold to do (Rev. 16:9, 11, 21).

(2) Realize that the millions constituting the Remnant will have had extended daily contact with the gentile “strangers” among whom they live. These Israelite slaves will surely have talked about what it was—the national sins and abominations—that brought the last two and a half years of punishment upon their lands and themselves. They will almost certainly also speak of the very Work of God that warned them of what lay ahead, and that they did not heed!

Similar to the “locals” of ancient Egypt, many will learn that they can escape the incredible one-year destruction about to come upon the rest of the nations of the world. Again, the Israelites will surely tell them of the prophecies described in Chapter Ten, and the kinds of things written in this book.

Also, from earlier in the chapter, recall that the word “peoples” within the Great Multitude description is one that can refer to the Israelite tribes. Here is the point. Certainly a multitude involving ALL nations would necessarily have to include the Israelite nations coming as part of, and maybe the largest percentage of, the overall migration! But generally think of these groups as alongside each other.

(3) Understand that the Work God is doing through The Restored Church of God is TODAY reaching expanding millions of people, with these in every nation and even most territories of the world. In addition—and how many will be willing to acknowledge the importance of this?—we are, in fact, and this has been true for awhile, reaching almost every nation (and most territories) of the world EVERY DAY!

How Big?—How Soon?

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