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The Antichrist, the False Prophet, and the Image

The Antichrist, the False Prophet, and the Image

Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God. (II Thessalonians 2:3,4-NIV)

The Book of Revelation stresses the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and the Image of Antichrist as major concerns of the last days. Just what are these people or forces? Without pretending to be the last word on the subject I would like to offer an opinion for the reader's consideration.

It is not my way to spend time writing about novel or exciting aspects of the Bible. Unless a subject has direct bearing on the behavior of the believer, leading him or her to iron righteousness, fiery holiness, and stern obedience to the Father, it is of little interest to me.

In view of the amount of space given in the Bible to the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and the Image of Antichrist, and the nature of the comments associated with these three forces, I am going to present to you the extent of my understanding at this time.

Any interpretation of the symbols of the Book of Revelation must have a "down home" flavor. The interpretation should not present exotic, bizarre, foreign portrayals, like the current view of the two witnesses as two bearded patriarchs coming down from Heaven and breathing out fire. We should see behind the angels and stars of Revelation just people in the most ordinary of circumstances.

However, some of the scenarios of Revelation are describing spirits and circumstances invisible to us.

I now will tell you what I believe to be the interpretation of the three enemies of God and man. Then if you violently disagree you need not read further.

I see the Antichrist as self-centeredness, man-centeredness, in the political, educational, financial, social, judicial, military, vocational, and entertainment realms. The opposite of self-centeredness, as I am using the term, is a focus on the needs and rights of God.

I see the False Prophet as self-centeredness in the spiritual and religious realms.

I see the Image of the Antichrist as money, in keeping with the image of gold constructed by Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar was the "head of gold."

King Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold, ninety feet high and nine feet wide, and set it up on the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon. (Daniel 3:1-NIV)

In your hands he has placed mankind and the beasts of the field and the birds of the air. Wherever they live, he has made you ruler over them all.

You are that head of gold. (Daniel 2:38-NIV)

The golden statue constructed by Nebuchadnezzar was the image of Nebuchadnezzar, the image of the wealth Nebuchadnezzar represented.

The kingdom of the Antichrist will operate by money, just as we see today that the main issue of the international community is money. The symbol 666 refers to man making himself God, six being the number of man and three being the number of God.

To be continued. The Antichrist, the False Prophet, and the Image 2

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Author: Dr. Robert B. Thompson