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Author: The apostle Matthew (tax collector)
Date written: Approximately A.D. 37 to 50
OT quotes: Approximately 93 and additional allusions
Time period: From Abraham to just before Jesus ascended to heaven
For/to: Mainly to new Jewish believers
Where: Perhaps written in Judea, perhaps Jerusalem
Statistics: 28 chapters; 1071 verses; 23,684 words

The author. Matthew "Gift of God" belonged to a class of people that was much hated—the tax collectors. As such, he would have been a Roman employee. He is also called Levi, the son of Alphaesus.

About this Gospel. In Matthew’s Gospel some of the material is written logically not chronologically. Both Gentiles and the Great Commission are mentioned. The many passages taken from the Old Testament in Matthew’s Gospel make it an ideal "bridge" from the Old Testament to the New.

Emphasis seems to be on the fact that Jesus is Israel’s promised Messiah—the One that would establish the Kingdom, the Son of David of royal descent. The wise men are mentioned only in Matthew—they came to worship the new born King of the Jews. The gold speaks of His deity. Matthew’s Gospel shows the King being rejected. It shows the cursing of the fig tree. Jesus alone has power to forgive and to delegate authority.

In Mt 8:1 to Mt 11:1, the power of Jesus (or credentials of the King) is illustrated over disease, demonic forces, men, nature, traditions, death, and dumbness. Jesus declares that the Kingdom of God is to be taken away from them. There are woes pronounced upon the Pharisees and a declaration that Jerusalem is to be left desolate till a future time.