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Study's 11-15

Study 11

What in the world has gone wrong?

Romans 1:1- 2:16.

God created men, and the evidence for that lies all around. Reason and conscience are rejected and mankind seems to sink deeper and deeper into selfishness and hopelessness.

{A} What does Paul say about the origin and power of the gospel? (verses 1-18).


{B} Summarise what Paul says about man's state without God. Does it give man any grounds for optimism?


{C} How does God's wrath manifest itself (a) in the future? (b) in the present?


Memory verse: I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile (Romans 1:16). Salvation comes from responding to the gospel. Pray that God will give you the opportunity to study a Bible passage with someone who isn't a Christian.

Study 12

New leaf or new life?

Romans 2:17 - 3:31.

The Jews ( and indeed Gentile moralists) would be quick to condemn the decadence of the Roman way of life. Yet are they really any better off than other people, or is the Jew as spiritually bankrupt as the pagan? In the next two studies we'll begin to see that God doesn't just require us to turn over a new leaf. The solution is more radical than that. We need new lives.

{A} What advantages do the Jews have over the Gentiles? Under what circumstances does circumcision have value?


{B} So, why are Jews also condemned?


{C} What was the purpose of the law?


{D} On what grounds will God forgive both Jew and Gentiles?


Memory verse: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus (Romans 3:23-24).

Study 13

Who is righteous?

Romans 4 and 5.

Abraham was the prime example for the Jew of a righteous man. So, Paul sets out to expain precisely why God credited Abraham as being righteous.

{A} Explain why God accepted Abraham and David.


{B} Make a list of the blessings arising from being justified by faith (5:1-11).


Note: To 'justify' means to `reckon' or `declare right' (4:1-3).

{C} How can one man's death be the acquittal for millions?

Pray that you will learn to take God at his word and act on his promises as Abraham did.


Study 14

New life for old

Romans 6 and 7.

`If God`s forgiveness is so extensive and complete, can't Christians just carry on as before?` asks Paul's reader. The questioner misunderstands the nature of God`s plan. We have become one with Christ in an exchange of our old sinful lives for the new life of Christ.

{A} Describe the Christian's new relationship to God.


{B} What is our position in relation to sin? What conflicts will we experience in life?


{C} Does the law have any limitations?


Note: 6:11 `Dead to sin' - the penalty of the old life is settled, but we still feel its influence.

{D} If someone asks you why a Christian should strive to avoid sinning, what arguments of Paul a might you use to answer the question? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

We have been set free from sin (verse 22) and empowered to lead holy lives. But Paul makes it clear that he struggled to overcome sin. Pray that God`s Spirit will point out those things in your life that displease him.

Study 15

`The likeness of his Son'

Romans 8

Christ has set us free - not to do as we please, but to follow him. He has given us the potential to do this by providing the Holy Spirit.

{A} What role does the Holy Spirit play in our new lives? What must we do in order to allow God to reshape our lives?


{B} Note down the assurances we have about the future. Does this knowledge help us in the present?


{C} Paul gives us many reasons for rejoicing. Make a list of some of them.


Memory verse: For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among brothers (Romans 8:29). Rarely do we spend the time to pray in the way described in verses 26-27. Pray that God will teach you to spend more time in meditation and waiting on him; as well as in asking for things.

{D} What would you say if someone of another faith asked you what you believed? Re-examine this weeks notes and work out the important points you would need to explain. Paul shows that it is vital to be able to reason your faith.


The devil is alive and out to cause havoc in the Christian's life. Look up the word `devil` or `Satan` in a Bible dictionary, and study some of the Bible references it gives you. Read through the entire book of Romans looking out for the conflict between Jew and Gentile.

Study's 16-20

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