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Something To Think About.. 9

Something To Think About 9

He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. (I John 2:4)

Why does the Bible command us to prefer one another? Why does it command us to work quietly with our own hands? Why does it command us to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling? Why does it command us to present our body a living sacrifice?

Why are these hundreds of commandments in the Scriptures if we are not supposed to obey them? The Book of First John warns us if we are not keeping God's commandments, and yet profess to know Him, we are a liar and the truth is not in us.

And then we hear:

"We don't have to strive. He will do it in us."

Try flopping around like a jellyfish and see how far you get in the Kingdom!

It indeed is true that as Christ is formed in us we begin to show forth His Nature in our personality. But Christ will never be formed in us until we deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him. If we don't do what we have been commanded, if we don't awake to righteousness and quit sinning as Paul exhorts, Christ will never be formed in us.

I have seen some of the people who have been advised that Christ has done it all, or they do not have to fight the good fight of faith because Christ will do it all in them. From all appearances it isn't working!

"We are Pharisees and legalists if we attempt to keep the commandments of Christ and His Apostles."

I have heard this tactic employed by believers who want to go to the movies where there are scenes of moral filthiness, violence, and profanity. When we protest we should not do such things the reaction is "you are a legalist."

What is a legalist—someone trying to obey Christ and live a holy life? If this is the case you can call me a legalist all you want.

"But you aren't perfect!" Tell me about it. But I'm keeping short accounts with God and I'm pressing on. Hallelujah!

"You are trying to earn your way to Heaven."

First of all, we Christians need to go back to the Bible and discover that going to Heaven is not the goal of redemption. Heaven is the place of Paradise in the spirit realm, the location of God, Christ, and the saints and holy angels. If we are saved we will go there when we die.

But to go to Heaven is not the goal. The goal is the reward we receive in the day of resurrection. The Kingdom of God is coming to the earth when the Lord appears. Our place in the Kingdom will not be determined by grace or mercy but only by what we have sown during our lifetime on the earth.

If we have suffered with Christ, obeying Him faithfully, we will rule with Him.

If we have been careless we will suffer an incredible loss of inheritance. Listen to me! We will suffer an incredible loss of inheritance in that day and mercy and grace will have nothing to do with it. You ignore this warning at your peril!

Continued. Something To Think About.. 10