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Romans 6:11-3

Romans 6:11

Part 3

Word of Righteousness

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. (Colossians 3:1,2)

We see our goal as change into Christ's image and rest in the Father. Our sinful nature is nailed to the cross. We are eternally alive in Christ. Now the program of salvation becomes one of bringing into our experience that which we are asserting to be true.

Each day we view ourselves crucified and risen with Christ. Each day we see our goal as being changed into His image and resting in God's will, not so we can go to Heaven when we die but so we can have fellowship with Christ and do God's will throughout eternity beginning today.

Let us take the X-rated movies. We know these are immoral. We know they belong to our sin nature and are on the cross. We know that Jesus Christ would never sit and watch raw sexual activity and listen to profanity. Since we want to live with Him we do not go to such entertainment.

Let us take the great emphasis on professional sports, the Super Bowl and so forth. We know that Jesus Christ is concerned about all the peoples in the world. We know He is grieving over the thousands of Christians who are being martyred each week in the Sudan, in China, and in other places. We know He wants each of us to prepare himself so he can in some measure contribute to the bringing of the Gospel to all peoples of the world while there is yet time.

In view of the lateness of the hour and the great importance of the Gospel of the Kingdom we are to redeem the time by occupying ourselves with that which is profitable, being changed by the renewing of our mind, rather than sitting with the world and watching twenty-two millionaires chasing a leather bag full of air.

We know that Jesus Christ does not curse and employ filthy speech. If we are living by His Life we will not do this.

If Heaven is our goal, and we believe we are going there by grace, and all our sins are on the cross, then we may go ahead and allow filthy speech, cursing, and foolishness (all of which defile a person according to the Lord) to proceed from our mouth. Why not? We can't be judged for our sins any more and we now are waiting to go to Heaven to be with Him. This is the teaching of today and the reason why the churches are morally bankrupt.

But if we see ourselves crucified with Christ and now living in association with Him as He lives in association with the Father, and our goal as change into His image and rest in God's will so we can be ever with the Lord and participate with Him in the tasks of the Kingdom, then we are not going to sit in front of an X-rated movie. We are not going to waste Christ's time by becoming involved in the American sports idol. We are not going to curse, tell filthy jokes, and fill our environment with foolish, useless talk.

Does all this make sense to you? I hope so. The believers in America are not keeping God's commandments. Neither are they counting themselves crucified and living with Christ. They view the blood of Jesus as their deed to a mansion in Heaven. They have been taught that even though they live in the flesh they still will hear, "well done good and faithful servant." They have been taught a lie and our country is suffering for it.

Shall we sin because we are not under the Law of Moses but under grace? God forbid. We should live as those who are crucified with Christ and who now are living in union with the Father through Jesus Christ.

Let it always be true of you and me that as He is, so are we in this world.

How does that sit with you?

To be continued.Romans 6:12