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Rom 11:22

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Rom 2:4; Rom 2:5; Rom 9:22; Rom 9:23; Num 14:18-22; Deut 32:39-43; Josh 23:15; Josh 23:16; Ps 58:10; Ps 58:11

Ps 78:49-52; Ps 136:15-22; Isa 66:14


The term severity [apotomia ,] from [apo ,] from, and [temno,] to cut off, properly denotes excision, cutting off, as the gardener cuts off, with a pruning knife, dead boughs, or luxuriant stems.

if thou.

Rom 2:7; Luke 8:15; John 8:31; John 15:4-10; Acts 11:23; Acts 14:22; 1Cor 15:2

Gal 6:9; 1Thess 3:5; 1Thess 3:8; Heb 3:6; Heb 3:14; Heb 10:23; Heb 10:35-39; 1John 2:19; Jude 1:20; Jude 1:21


Ezek 3:20; Ezek 18:24; Ezek 33:17-19; Matt 3:9; Matt 3:10; John 15:2; Rev 2:5