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Part 81 HOLINESS, the Only Way to Happiness

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Part 82 HOLINESS, the Only Way to Happiness

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[7.] Seventhly, You have but little holiness; witness that soul-leanness, barrenness, and unfruitfulness that is among you at this very day. Ah, how may most cry out with the prophet Isaiah, "Oh my leanness, my leanness!" Isaiah 24:16, and 10:16. "Oh our leanness, our leanness, our barrenness!" etc. Though God has waited many years for fruit—yet behold nothing but leaves. I have read of the Indian fig-tree--that its leaves are exceedingly broad--but its fruit is no bigger than a bean. Ah, how many Christians are there in these days whose leaves of profession are very broad—but their fruits of righteousness and holiness are very small. And as the Indian fig-tree, though it be of fair and goodly dimensions—yet it wastes all its sap and juice into leaves and blossoms. Just so, many in these days, who, though they look fair, and make a goodly show—yet they waste all their spiritual sap and life—into the mere leaves and blossoms of an empty profession.

Ah, how are many of our hearts like to the isle of Patmos, which is so barren that nothing good will grow on it; all the good things that grow there is from the earth that is brought from other places.

Look! as a company of ants are very busy about a molehill, running to and fro, and wearying themselves in their several movings and turnings, this way and that—and yet never grow great; for after all their motions and stirring, they are still the same as to the slender proportion of their bodies: just so, many Christians in these days run to and fro, they run from oneduty to another, and from one ordinance to another, and from one opinion to another, and from one principle to another, and from one minister to another, and from one church to another, and from one way to another, and from one notion to another—and yet they make little progress in holiness, they grow but little in the love, the life, the likeness, and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 Pet. 3:18. They are like those silly women who Timothy speaks of, who were ever learning—and yet never able to come to the knowledge of the truth, 2 Tim. 3:6-7. And they are like the country of Ozizala, which abounded with mirthful flowers—but was barren of nourishing grain. Just so, these abound in mirthful notions, and flourishing parts--but are barren of grace and holiness.

Seneca has long since observed that as the philosophers in his time grew more and more learned—just so, they grew less and less moral; and is there anything more evident in these days than this, namely, that as men grow more and more in empty airy notions, and in a pompous religion and profession—just so, they grow less and less zealous and pious.

The reason, say some, why Christ cursed the fig-tree, though the time of bearing fruit was not come, was because it made a glorious show with leaves, and promised much—but brought forth nothing. What is a barren tree, a barren ground, or a barren womb—compared to a barren heart? Many in our days are like the cypress-tree, which, the more it is watered—the more it is withered. Just so, the more many are watered with the means of grace—the more they wither; the more the dews of heaven falls upon them, and the more heavenly manna is daily rained round about them—the more lean, fruitless, and barren they grow. Such souls may do well to remember that those trees which are not for fruit—are for the fire! John 15:6; Heb. 6:8.

For a close, let me tell you that I fear, with Augustine—that many grieve more for the barrenness of their lands—than they do for the barrenness of their lives; and for the barrenness of their trees—than they do for the barrenness of their souls; and for the loss of their cattle—than they do for the loss of God's countenance. But,

[8.] Eighthly and lastly, You have but little holiness; witness that great indifference and fickleness that is to be found among you. Ah, how many Christians are there in these days of gospel light who are indifferent who they hear, or what they hear; who are indifferent whether they pray or not, or walk in gospel order or not, or maintain closet communion with God or not, or enjoy the Lord's supper or not, etc. Oh, what inconstancy is to be found among many in these days! Many people are only constant in inconstancy. [Lord Paulet kept both great favor and places under Henry the Eighth, a Papist, and under King Edward the Sixth, a Protestant, and under Queen Mary, a Papist, and under Queen Elizabeth, a Protestant; and being asked how he could do so, he answered that he always imitated the willow and not the oak.]

Now they are for ordinances—and at another time they are against them. Now ordinances are precious and glorious things—and afterwards they are poor low things. Now they cry up this and that for glorious truths—and shortly they cry down the same things as dangerous and pernicious errors. Now they cry up Paul and cry down Apollos—and afterwards they cry up Apollos and cry down Paul. Now they are for this form—and momentarily they are for that form. Now they are very zealous—and shortly they are very lukewarm. Now they are for worshiping of God according to Scripture rule—and afterwards they are for worshiping of God according to the prescriptions of men. Now they have their gales of devotion—and before long they are quite becalmed. Now they are full of life—and in a short while they are very lumpish. Now they stand fast—and afterwards they are wavering. Now they are confident all will be well—and before long they give up all as lost. Now they will lay down their lives for Christ—and at another time they are afraid to own Christ, etc.

Now what does this indifference and inconstancy speak out—but either a total lack of holiness, or else that holiness is at a very low ebb in these men's souls? Now these eight arguments do clearly evidence that many, oh that I could not say that most, Christians have attained but to small measures and degrees of holiness. But,

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Part 82 HOLINESS, the Only Way to Happiness

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