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Part 2::

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Why was the Law brought in?

The Law of Moses was a temporary device, added because of the prevalence of sin.

There were several generations of people, including the descendants of Abraham through Isaac, who were born and died in the hundreds of years after God spoke to Abraham and before Christ, the Seed to whom all the promises of God are given, came into the world.

Throughout these hundreds of years the descendants of Abraham through Isaac, the children of Israel, needed some type of guide for their conduct, and also an understanding that their God is the Holy One of Israel who demands righteous conduct of people on the earth, whether or not they are called by His name.

Sin and death have a strong grip on the personality of each human being on the earth. The Law of Moses was given in order to reveal and emphasize the sinfulness of human conduct and the extent of human bondage, and to point out to people their need for the Saviour. The Law brings us to Christ.

The Law of Moses was added, not because it is possible for any human being on earth to earn the Messianic inheritance that was given to Abraham by promise, but in order to place a heavy hand of discipline on Abraham’s children until the day that the true Seed arrived.

Our emphasis here concerning grace may seem to contradict what we have stated previously concerning the need for the Jewish person to obey the Law. We maintained also that the animal sacrifices actually served to forgive sin and the people were blessed when they did what God said Many thousands of Israelites were blessed because they adhered to the Law of Moses.

There is no contradiction here. It is as we have said. The Israelites were obligated to keep the Law. They were blessed when they did. They were cursed when they did not.

And then we stated "the Law of Moses was added, not because it is possible for any human being on earth to earn the Messianic inheritance that was given to Abraham by promise, but in order to place a heavy hand of discipline on Abraham’s children until the day that the true Seed arrived.

The resolution of this seeming contradiction is as follows. The Messianic inheritance is eternal life, the possession of the Spirit of God, deliverance from the power of sin, change into the moral image of Christ, and untroubled rest in the Father through Christ. None of this is possible by keeping the Law of Moses.

But unless the Israelite did all in his power to keep the Law of Moses he came under the curse of God. If he did keep the Law he had fellowship with God, the joy of salvation, forgiveness of sin, and numerous material blessings. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. (Psalms 51:12)

It is true also of the Christian. If he does not do all in his power to obey the writings of the Apostles and the Words of the Lord Jesus he will never inherit salvation. But if he does obey Jesus and the Apostles the result will be that Christ is formed in him. When Christ is formed in him, the blessings of the new covenant will follow.

The following story may clarify the temporary nature of the Law of Moses. The son of a wealthy man went on a journey to another country. While he was there he met a young lady and became engaged to her. He then returned home, after agreeing with his fiancée that she would make the journey to his country and there they would marry and make their home.

On returning home, the young man selected an area a few miles from his father’s estate and commenced the construction of a fine mansion on a large piece of land.

At the stated time the young lady arrived at his father’s house. The father greeted her and said, "There is a small house, part of the servants’ quarters, to the rear of the estate. The servants will place your baggage there. "Although it is small it is comfortable and has every facility and will meet your needs until your new home is ready. You will be provided for there and will have an opportunity to become acquainted with our family."

As soon as their mansion was completed and the estate landscaped, the couple were married and moved into their permanent home.

So it is with the Law of Moses and the Gospel of Christ. The Law of Moses was a temporary provision until God’s time came for Christ to be revealed. Now that Christ has been revealed, what is temporary has been done away. It never was the father’s intention that the bride should remain in the servants’ quarters. As soon as her proper home was prepared, the servants’ quarters were returned to their original use and she went to live with her husband.

Thus we understand that there is no such thing as a "Jewish church" or a "Gentile church." There was no permanent work of redemption until Christ came. The Law was a temporary added to maintain control until God was ready to fulfil the promise to Abraham.

No person, Jew or Gentile, ever entered the Kingdom of God until Christ rose from the dead, because there was no Kingdom of God until Christ rose from the dead. The Kingdom of God is the direct result of Christ’s resurrection.

Now that the Abrahamic promise has been fulfilled in Christ, both Jew and Gentile are to enter the "mansion" that God has prepared. The Law, the "servants’ quarters," no longer is available for use by the "fiancée," the Bride of the Lamb.

Therefore, as Paul indicated several times, true Israel, the Seed of Abraham, is the Christian Church. A Jew or a Gentile, in order to become part of true Israel, must receive Christ. Apart from Christ there is no Israel, no Seed of Abraham, no fulfilment of the Messianic promise, no olive tree.

The promise made to Abraham did not go into effect until Jesus rose from the dead. The interval of time between Abraham and Christ was not one of fulfilment but one of waiting and expectation.

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