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Part 113 HOLINESS, the Only Way to Happiness

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Part 114 HOLINESS, the Only Way to Happiness

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[6.] Sixthly, If ever you would attain to higher degrees of holiness; if ever you would perfect holiness in the fear of the Lord, then be much in secret prayer, be much in closet duties. Mat. 6:5, 9. Christ takes a great deal of pleasure to hear and to see his people pour out their souls before him in secret. Cant. 2:14, "O my dove! who are in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs, let me see your countenance, let me hear your voice; for sweet is your voice, and your countenance is lovely."

Look! as secret meals are very fattening—just so, secret duties are very soul-enriching. Secret prayers are the pillars of smoke, whereby the soul ascends to God out of the wilderness of this world. Secret prayers are the wings of the soul, whereby it flies to God in a more still and silent way for the increase and augmentation of holiness. The tender dew which falls in the silent night, will abundantly more cause sweet herbs to flourish and grow, than great showers of rain which fall in the stormy day. Just so, secret prayer will abundantly more cause the sweet herbs of grace and holiness to grow and flourish, than all those more open and visible duties of religion, which too too often are mingled and mixed with the sun and wind of pride and hypocrisy.

O sirs! Secret prayer is Jacob's ladder, where you have God in his fullness and holiness descending down into the soul. Secret prayer is that ladder whereby the soul ascends to the highest pitch of communion with God. Witness Ambrose, who was accustomed to say, "I am never less alone than when I am all alone, for then I can enjoy the presence of my God most freely, fully, and sweetly, without interruption." And witness that heaven-born lady [Lady Brooke, the great friend of Sibbes, and of the Puritans generally.—G.] who spent most of her time in secret duties, in closet communion with God; and when people of great importance came to visit her, she would so entertain them as she would be sure not to omit her set times for secret prayer. She would rather rudely take her leave of them, as some called it, than omit her closet communion with God. She had found such rare advantages by closet duties, that she would not upon any terms neglect them, or in the least turn her back upon them.

It was a most sweet and divine saying of Bernard; "O saint! Your husband, Christ, is bashful, and will not be intimate in company. Retire, therefore, by meditation into your closet, or the fields, and there you shall have Christ's embraces." O sirs! it is an experienced truth, that there is no such way to be rich in grace, and to be high in holiness—as by driving and maintaining a secret trade with God, Cant. 1:11-12. When did Peter have that glorious vision and manifestation of grace—but when he was alone, and on the housetop a-praying? Acts 10:11-12. And when was that soul-ravishing, that soul-cheering, and that soul-strengthening message despatched by the angel to Daniel, namely, that he was greatly beloved of God—but when he was alone a-praying? Dan. 9:20-23. And doubtless, many thousand saints have had their hearts melted, their corruptions weakened, their fears scattered, their doubts resolved, their holiness raised, and their assurance sealed, while they have been in closet duties.

Look! as men many times gives their best, their choicest, and their richest gifts in secret—just so, does God many times give the choicest discoveries of his love, and the sweetest dainties and delicacies of glory, and the richest measures of grace and holiness to his people in secret. [Compare these scriptures together, Mat. 14:23; Mark 6:46; Luke 5:16, and 6:12; Mat. 26:26, 36, 39, 42, 44; Luke 22:32, 44, 45; John 17:17.]

Look! as there were none so holy as Christ—just so, there were none so much in secret prayer as Christ.

Look! as many men in this famous city, by driving a secret trade, a private trade, gain very great estates, beyond what many do who drive more public trades—just so, many Christians who drive a secret trade, a private trade with God in their closets; they grow abundantly more rich in grace, in holiness, in communion with God, and in all gracious experiences, than many other Christians who make a great deal of bustle in the world, and who are much in the public trade of Christianity, namely, hearing the word, meetings, family duties, etc.—but very rarely shall you find them in their closets. As ever you would be eminent and excellent in holiness, keep up your private trade with God, maintain your closet communion with the Holy One of Israel. But,

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Part 114 HOLINESS, the Only Way to Happiness

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