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Part 100 HOLINESS, the Only Way to Happiness

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Part 101 HOLINESS, the Only Way to Happiness

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[2.] A second scripture is 1 Cor. 15:41-42, "The sun has one kind of glory, while the moon and stars each have another kind. And even the stars differ from each other in their beauty and brightness. It is the same way for the resurrection of the dead." It is very observable that the comparison runs between the glorified condition of some saints that shall rise, and other some that shall rise in the great day. Just so, that look, as one star differs from another star in glory—just so, one saint shall differ from another saint in glory at the resurrection of the dead. Though every star is bright, shining, and glorious—yet some stars are more bright, shining, and glorious than others are. Just so, though every saint will shine gloriously in heaven—yet some saints shall have a greater luster, glory and shine upon them than others shall. Look! as some heavenly bodies are more glorious than others—just so, in the morning of the resurrection some saints shall be more glorious than others, etc.

[3.] A third scripture is 2 Cor. 9:6, "But this I say, He who sows sparingly shall reap sparingly; and he who sows bountifully shall reap bountifully." A sparing liberality shall be attended with a sparing reward, and a bounteous liberality shall be attended with a bounteous reward. Look! as the harvest answers the measure of seed that is sown—just so, that he who sows but little reaps but little, and he who sows much reaps much—just so, saints' reaping at last will be answerable to their sowing here. All men's charities shall at last be rewarded proportionable to the several degrees of it. He who gives a pound shall have a greater reward than he who gives a penny. He who sows thousands shall reap more than he who sows hundreds. He shall have the most plentiful crop in heaven, who has sowed most seed here on earth, etc. They shall have interest upon interest in heaven, who sow much on this side heaven.

[4.] A fourth scripture is Luke 19:12-20. Now in this parable you have a great Lord going into a far country; but before he goes he gives ten minas to ten of his servants to trade with until his return. Now upon his return, he who had increased his mina to ten minas was made ruler over ten cities, verse 17; and he who made five from his one mina was made ruler over five cities, verse 19. Here he who improved their mina most, received the greatest reward. The nobleman in this parable is our Lord Jesus Christ, who is truly and highly noble, he being co-eternal and co-equal with his Father, in respect of his deity; he was born a king, and is now King of kings, and Lord of lords, and Prince of the kings of the earth. The far country that he is gone to is heaven, for there he went at his ascension. Now when he shall return from heaven to judge the living and the dead, he will then bring men to an account, to a reckoning about their improvement of all the gifts and graces that he has entrusted them with; and, according to the different improvement that men shall make of their talents—just so, shall be their reward.

He who makes the greatest improvement of his mina, he shall have the greatest reward, he shall be ruler over ten cities, that is, he shall be very highly honored and exalted. And he who makes a lesser improvement, he shall have a lesser reward, he shall be ruler over five cities. He who makes a great improvement of a little, he shall, if I may so speak, sit at Christ'sright hand; but he who makes a lesser improvement, he must be contented to sit at Christ's left hand. God will proportion out men's reward at last answerable to their improvement of that treasure which he has put into their hands. Yet this does not infer merit of works—but a gracious disposition in God to encourage his servants in a way of well-doing, etc.

[5.] A fifth scripture is Daniel 12:3, "Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who turn many to righteousness will shine like stars forever." [From this very text, your English commentators conclude that there are degrees of glory in heaven, etc.] The glory of heaven is here laid out in shining terms, for look how gloriously the shining of stars does excel the shining of the sky. Just so, some saints shall as far outshine others in glory, as the stars do now outshine the sky. Look! as the stars are a more beautiful and glorious part of the orb than the sky is—just so, some saints shall have a great deal more beauty and glory upon them than others shall. And look, as there are different degrees of glory between the glory of the sky and the glory of the stars now—just so, there shall be different degrees of glory between one glorious saint and another at last. All the saints shall at last shine as the sky—but those who by their doctrine, instruction, and life, turn many to righteousness, these shall shine as the stars, forever and ever. Some of the highest seats in glory shall be for such "who turn sinners from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to Jesus Christ," Acts 26:18.

It is very observable, that as the apostles were very eminent in this work—just so, Christ has given it under his own hand, that they shall sit upon twelve thrones, as so many kings, judging the twelve tribes of Israel, Mat. 19:28; Luke 22:28-29. They had done and suffered more for Christ than others, and therefore Christ will put a greater glory upon them than upon others. Though many learned men differ about the interpretation of those words, "you also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel"—therefore I dare not peremptorily conclude this or that to be the sense of them. Yet this is most plain and evident in the text, that the apostles are under a promise of some peculiar and more eminent degree of honor, glory, and dignity, than others are under.

Look! as their service to Christ was a special and eminent service—just so, Christ promises them a special and eminent reward. Every man of them shall have his particular throne, and everyone of them shall have the honor and dignity of judging—that is, of governing and ruling the twelve tribes of Israel. Look! as ambassadors and chief counselors and presidents have the highest and chief seats in the kingly assembly—just so, the apostles shall have the highest and the chief seats in the general assembly and church of the first-born in heaven, Heb. 12:22-23. They shall sit, as it were, on the throne, or on the bench, with Christ—so highly and greatly shall they be exalted.

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Part 101 HOLINESS, the Only Way to Happiness

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