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O you filthy creature!',

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"Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me
from this life that is dominated by sin?" Romans 7:24

No doubt you have your enemies—and so have we all.

But I will tell you where you have an enemy—and a 
greater enemy than ever you have found in others—
yourself! I have often felt that I could do myself more 
harm in five minutes, than all my enemies could do me 
in fifty years! I need not fear what others may do or 
say—I fear myself more than them all—knowing what 
I am as a sinner—the strength of sin—and the power 
of temptation. 

Be sure of this—that YOU are the worst
enemy you ever had . . .
  your sin,
your lust,
your covetousness,
your pride,
your self-righteousness.

God Himself will make you feel your enemy. 
You shall see something of his accursed designs; 
how sin has deceived you, betrayed you, brought 
guilt upon your conscience, and made you a burden 
to yourself. You shall be brought to feel, and say, 
"There is nothing I hate so much as my own vile 
heart—my own dreadfully corrupt nature. O what 
an enemy do I carry in my own bosom! Of all my 
enemies, he is surely the worst! Of all my foes, 
he is the most subtle and strong!"

Have you not sometimes felt as though you could 
take your lusts by the neck and dash their heads 
against a stone? Have you not felt you could take 
out of your breast this vile, damnable heart, lay 
it upon the ground, and stamp upon it? 
And when tempted with . . .
or unbelief,
or infidelity,
or blasphemy,
or any hateful lust, 
how you have cried out again and again with 
anguish of spirit, "O this heart of mine!"

We hate our sins, and would, if possible, have no 
more to do with them, and would say to this lust
idol, or temptation, "O you filthy creature! What 
an enemy you are to my soul! O that I could 
forever be done with you!"

"Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me
from this life that is dominated by sin? Thanks be to 
God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord." 
Romans 7:24-25

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