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O what a way of learning religion!',

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"I was caught up into paradise and heard things so
astounding that they cannot be told!" 2 Cor. 12:4

Now, doubtless, the apostle Paul, after he had been 
thus favoured—thus caught up into paradise—thought 
that he would retain the same frame of mind that he 
was in when he came down from this heavenly place; 
that the savour, the sweetness, the power, the unction, 
the dew, the heavenly feeling would continue in his soul. 
And no doubt he thought he would walk all through his 
life with a measure of the sweet enjoyments that he 
then experienced. But this was not God's way of 
teaching religion!

God had another way which Paul knew nothing of, and 
that was—if I may use the expression—to bring him 
from the third heaven, where his soul had been blessed 
with unspeakable ravishment—down to the very gates 
of hell. For he says, "I was given a thorn in my flesh, 
a messenger from Satan to BUFFET me

The idea "buffeting" is that of a strong man beating 
a weak one with violent blows to his head and face
—bruising him into a shapeless mass! 

O what a way of learning religion!

Now I want you to see the contrast we have here. 

The blessed apostle caught up into the third heavens
filled with light, life, and glory—enjoying the presence 
of Christ—and bathing his soul in the river of divine 

Now for a reverse—down he comes to the earth

A messenger of Satan is let loose upon him, who buffets,
beats and pounds this blessed apostle into a shapeless 
mummy—no eyes, no nose, no mouth, no features—but 
one indistinguishable mass of black and blue! 

Such is the mysterious way in which a man learns religion! 

But what was all this for? 

Does it not appear very cruel—does it not seem very 
unkind that, after the Lord had taken Paul up into 
the third heaven, He would let the devil buffet him? 

Does it not strike our natural reason to be as strange 
and as unheard of a thing, as if a mother who had been 
fondling her babe in her arms, suddenly were to put it 
down, and let a large savage dog ravage it—and look 
on, without interfering, while he was tearing the child 
which she had been a few minutes before dandling in 
her lap, and clasping to her bosom?

"But to keep me from getting puffed up, I was given 
a thorn in my flesh, a messenger from Satan to BUFFET 
me and keep me from getting proud." Here we have 
this difficult enigma solved, this mysterious knot untied! 

We find that the object and end of all these severe 
dealings was to keep Paul from pride!

Three times Paul besought his loving and sympathizing 
Redeemer, that the trial might be taken away, for it 
was too grievous to be borne. The Lord heard his prayer 
and answered it—but not in the way that Paul expected. 

His answer was, "My grace is sufficient for you." As though 
He would say, "Paul, beloved Paul, I am not going to take 
away your trial; it came from Me—it was given by Me. But 
My grace shall be sufficient for you, for My strength shall 
be made perfect in your weakness. There is a lesson to be 
learned, a path to be walked in, an experience to be passed 
through, wisdom to be obtained in this path—and therefore 
you must travel in it. Be content then with this promise 
from My own lips—My grace is sufficient for you, for My 
strength is made perfect in your weakness." 

The apostle was satisfied with this—he wanted no more, 
and therefore he burst forth, "Most gladly therefore will 
I rather glory in my infirmities—that the power of Christ 
may rest upon me."

O what a way of learning religion!

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