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Nothing but a slave!',

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"Once you were slaves of sin!" Romans 6:17

What a picture does this draw of our sad state, while 
walking in the darkness and death of unregeneracy! 

The Holy Spirit here sets forth Sin as a harsh master
exercising tyrannical dominion over his slaves! How 
this portrays our state and condition in a state of 
unregeneracy—slaves to sin! 

Just as a master commands his slave to go here and 
there—imposes on him certain tasks—and has entire 
and despotic authority over him—so sin . . .
had a complete mastery over us, 
used us at its arbitrary will and pleasure,
drove us here and there on its commands.

But in this point we differed from physical slaves—
that we did not murmur under our yoke—but gladly 
and cheerfully obeyed all sin's commands—and 
never tired of doing the most servile drudgery!

Thus some have had sin as a very vulgar and 
tyrannical master
, who drove them into open acts 
of drunkenness, uncleanness, and profligacy—yes, 
everything base, vile, and evil. 

Others have been preserved through education, 
through the watchfulness and example of parents, 
or other moral restraints, from going into such open 
lengths of iniquity—and outward breakings forth of 
evil. But still sin secretly reigned in their hearts . . .
love of the things of time and sense, 
hatred to God and aversion to His holy will, 
selfishness and stubbornness, 
in all their various forms, had a complete mastery 
over them! And though sin ruled over them more 
as a gentleman—he kept them in a more refined, 
though not less real or absolute slavery! Whatever 
sin bade them do, that they did, as implicitly as the 
most abject slave ever obeyed a tyrannical master's 

What a picture does the Holy Spirit here draw of 
what a man is! Nothing but a slave!—and sin, as 
his master, first driving him upon upon God's sword, 
and then giving him eternal death as his wages!

"He has rescued us from the dominion
of darkness—and He has brought us into 
the Kingdom of His dear Son!
" Col. 1:13

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