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Next, in Ecc 12:1-7, Solomon counsels his readers

Next, in Ecc 12:1-7, Solomon counsels his readers

Next, in Ecc 12:1-7, Solomon counsels his readers to remember God while they are still young.

There will be no pleasure for them in anything when they become old and infirm. They will die and their bodies will turn to dust and their spirits will return to God (CP V 1-7).

The evil days and years in V 1, refers to when the young men become old and infirm, with death fast approaching. While the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not darkened in V 2, refers to old people still being able to see before their vision becomes impaired by their age.

The keepers of the house shall tremble in V 3, refers to the hands of the human body, which tremble in old age.

The strong man shall bow themselves refers to people's legs becoming bowed from age. The grinders cease refers to old people having very few teeth, which eventually all fall out with age.

Those that look out the windows will be darkened refers to the eyes - old people's vision is impaired by age. In V 4, the doors shall be shut, refers to the mouth and ears - old people being unable to hear and speak.

The grinding is low, refers to old people using their gums, devoid of teeth, to eat. He shall rise up at the voice of the bird refers to old people being awakened from sleep at dawn by cocks crowing and other bird noises.

All the daughters of music shall be brought low refers to old people's vocal chords failing and no longer having an ear for music.