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"Look upon me, and be merciful unto me." Ps. 119:132

When shall we ever get beyond the need of God's mercy?

We feel our need of continual mercy . . . 
as our sins abound,
as our guilt is felt,
as our corruption works,
as our conscience is burdened,
as the iniquities of our heart are laid bare,
as our hearts are opened up in the Spirit's light.

We need . . . 
mercy for every adulterous look; 
mercy for every covetous thought; 
mercy for every light and trifling word; 
mercy for every wicked movement of our depraved hearts; 
mercy while we live;
mercy when we die; 
mercy to accompany us every moment;
mercy to go with us down to the portals of the grave; 
mercy to carry us safely through the swellings of Jordan; 
mercy to land us safe before the Redeemer's throne! 

"Look upon me, and be merciful unto me."

Why me? 
Because I am so vile a sinner. 
Because I am so base a backslider. 
Because I am such a daring transgressor. 
Because I sin against You with every breath that I draw. 
Because the evils of my heart are perpetually manifesting themselves. 
Because nothing but Your mercy can blot out such 
iniquities as I feel working in my carnal mind. 

I need . . .
inexhaustible mercy,
everlasting mercy,
super-abounding mercy. 

Nothing but such mercy as this can suit such a guilty sinner!

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