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Knowing Christ.

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Copyright © 2007 Trumpet Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved

The study this morning was in the seventeenth chapter of the Gospel of John. This chapter truly is the holy of holies of the Bible. This is a prayer Jesus offered to the Father, and it certainly shall be answered to the fullest extent.

In the seventeenth chapter of John, the Lord Jesus points out that while He has authority over every person on earth, there are specific individuals whom the Father gives to Him to whom Jesus is to give eternal life. Then Jesus proceeds to define eternal life.

(11/18/2007) It is impossible to understand the Divine program until we grasp the concept that God’s salvation is not a free-for-all. From today’s preaching one would conclude that there is no pattern in the plan of salvation.

Christ died for all, so whoever wishes to do so can "accept Christ," become a part of the Church, escape Hell, and go to Heaven. Everyone who doesn’t "accept Christ" goes to Hell.

There is some truth in this viewpoint, but it is so lacking in essential elements that it gives a false impression as to what actually is taking place.

While Jesus has been given authority over all of mankind, the Father chooses certain people and brings them to Christ. No individual can come to Christ unless the Father draws that person. Then Christ gives eternal life to the chosen one.

These who thus are called out from the world are the Church. They are the saints, the holy ones. They did not choose themselves. The Father chose them and gave them to Christ. It is not true that the remainder of mankind has been assigned to Hell. Rather it is true that the role of the Church is to minister the things of God to mankind. It is the incorrigibly wicked and rebellious who will be placed in Hell, whether they are part of the Church or part of the rest of mankind.

According to the Book of Isaiah, the time will come in the future when God will have made the Church a lighthouse of righteousness and praise. The remainder of mankind will come to that light, and then enjoy life in the new world of righteousness.

Hopefully the words I have just written will cause all believers in Christ to recognize that their belief and repentance are gifts from God. Their "sainthood" as members of the Church, the Bride of the Lamb, sets them apart from the rest of mankind. Their calling is the greatest treasure they possess; but it must be guarded, for assuredly it is possible to forfeit through neglect, disobedience, or deception.

Every member of the called-out people, the Church, is a member of the Bride of the Lamb. This means his sole purpose in existence is to be a helper of Jesus Christ, just as Eve was created to be Adam’s helper. All else in a saint’s life is secondary in importance. God has decreed that it is not good that Christ be alone. Therefore God is creating a helper for the Lord Jesus on His body and blood.

How do we help Christ? By presenting ourselves each day to the Lord so we may discover His plan for our life. We may spend many years in preparation. But in God’s time, we will assist in some area that is to be a part of Christ’s Kingdom. If we do not present ourselves as Christ’s helper, we will be punished severely and lose the inheritance planned for us. Or our destiny may prove to be even worse than that! Make no mistake about this, because current Christian preaching is bearing a false witness concerning the severity of God.

Being called to be part of the Church, Christ’s Body, is a deadly serious business. The debt of each one of us was paid by the agony of Christ on the cross; so you can infer from this God’s attitude toward that individual who is called to be a helper of Christ, but chose instead to spend his time, strength, and talents on his own desires and pursuits.

Christ defines "eternal life." Eternal life is to know the Father and the Son.

"Know" in what way? Know in the sense of the Apostle Paul, as he told us in the Book of Philippians how he had laid aside all else that he might gain Christ; that he might know Christ. To know Christ is to partake of all that Christ is.

Christ is Divine love. Divine love, which is incomprehensibly more powerful and faithful than any form of human love, is eternal life. We are to be brought through the sufferings of Christ until our human love is replaced with Divine love. Divine love is the true basis for all Christian ministry.

Christ is the fullness of Divine joy. God desires that we be filled with His joy, no matter how desperate and painful our circumstances. Divine joy is eternal life.

Christ is Divine peace—peace that passes all understanding. We are going to need this aspect of eternal life, because the sword of Divine judgment is hanging by a thread over the United States of America in the present hour. Christ is the Resurrection. The Resurrection is a Person. Eternal Life is a Person. The Way of God is a Person. The Truth of God is a Person.

But we have to gain Christ, gain the resurrection, gain eternal life, gain the way of God, gain the truth of God. How do we do this? By reading our Bible every day. By praying every day. By presenting our body a living sacrifice at all times that we may prove God’s will in each and every circumstance.

Each one of us is to become the personification of iron righteousness, fiery holiness, and stern obedience to the Father. We are not in the slightest degree to come short of such total transformation.

We have been called to become part of Christ, part of Eternal Life. If we pursue our vocation diligently we will pass into the ranks of the chosen. Then we must be proven faithful.

To attain to the first resurrection, to achieve the highest goal God is offering, requires all of our attention. Can we attain to such a high calling? Absolutely! Christ has all authority and power in Heaven and upon the earth. It is to His advantage that we gain the fullness of eternal life.

There are many enemies, many distractions, many deceptions. We must overcome Satan and all his works. And we can! Through Christ we certainly can! All that holds us back is our own unbelief and disobedience.

Will you be one of those who attains to the mark? Will I?

You can hear the morning sermon at morning. http://www.wor.org/audio/audio.htm

You can hear the evening sermon at evening. http://www.wor.org/audio/audio.htm

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