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The next aspect of Jesus' future ministry is at His second coming. This involves the Battle of Armageddon in which Jesus single-handedly defeats Antichrist and the armies of his confederation of nations, together with Satan and the false prophet. Antichrist and the false prophet are cast alive in the Lake of Fire - the final destiny of all the ungodly - where they will be tormented day and night forever (CP Rev 19:11-21). Satan is bound in chains and cast into the bottomless pit for a thousand years (CP Rev 20:1-3. For detailed teachings on these subjects see author's comments on Rev 19:11-21 and Rev 20:1-3, in his book A Question and answer Study on the New Testament). Next Jesus judges the nations to determine who of them will go into the eternal Kingdom (CP Mt 25:31-46). This is called the Judgement of the Nations - Nations in Greek, also means Gentiles. The basis of this judgement will be the failure of the Gentiles to extend mercy to the Jewish believers during the tribulation. (For a detailed teaching on this subject see author's study Coming Judgements of God, in his book Advanced Studies in the Christian Faith (Volume 1)). Then comes the millennial age. This refers to Christ's kingdom on earth where He will rule and reign for a thousand years (CP Dan 2:44-45; 7:13-14, 23-27; Zech 14:1-9; Eph 1:10; Rev 5:8-10). At the end of this period Satan is loosed for a time and will deceive nations hostile to God into joining him in the last great rebellion against God. God will send fire down from Heaven and destroy them. Satan will then be cast into the Lake of Fire to suffer eternal punishment (CP Rev 20:7-10. For a detailed study on this subject see author's comments on Rev 20:4-6, in his book A Question and Answer Study on the New Testament).

The purpose of Christ's thousand year reign on earth is to rid the earth of all the enemies of God, and all rebellion against Him. At the end of the thousand years all the unrighteous dead will be raised up to life and Christ will judge them at the Great White Throne Judgement. They will be cast into the Lake of Fire together with Satan, Antichrist and the false prophet (CP Rev 20:11-15). The Great White Throne Judgement and the Lake of Fire signifies the end of Christ's millennial reign pursuant to Him handing the Kingdom over to God (CP 1Cor 15:23-28. For more detailed teachings on this subject see author's study Coming Judgements of God, in his book Advanced Studies in the Christian Faith (Volume 1), and his comments on Rev 20:11-15 in his book A Question and Answer Study on the New Testament). Contemporaneous with the Great White Throne Judgement, Heaven and earth will be loosed from their present corrupt state and made new as to character (CP 2Pe 3:7, 10-12 with Rev 20:11 and 21:1. For more detailed teachings on this subject see author's comments on 2Pe 3:1-7 and Rev 20:11 in his book A Question and Answer Study on the New Testament).

The final aspect of Jesus' future ministry is that He will rule and reign with God throughout eternity from His seat of government in New Jerusalem which will come down to earth from heaven after the Great White Throne Judgement. New Jerusalem will also be the home of all the saints of God (CP Rev 21:2-3, 9-10; 22:3-5). New Jerusalem is a literal city measuring fifteen hundred miles - twelve thousand furlongs - long, fifteen hundred miles wide and fifteen hundred miles high. It has more than enough room for every saint of God from Abel to the very last soul saved in the tribulation, who will inhabit it. The city and its streets are made of pure gold which is transparent, like clear glass. The wall surrounding the city is over two hundred feet - sixty five metres - high. It has twelve gates, each one a pearl. There is no temple as an object of worship in New Jerusalem - God and Jesus will be the objects of worship. There will be a temple however, where God will have His Throne; it will be His Throne forever. New Jerusalem will be the capital of God in the earth throughout eternity. The city has no need of the sun and moon, for the glory of God will illuminate it, and Jesus will be its light. The city gates will never be shut because it will always be perfectly secure; there will never be any darkness there (CP Rev 21:12-18, 22-25. For more detailed teachings on these subjects see author's comments on Rev 21:2, 21:12-18, 21:23-25 and 22:3-5 in his book A Question and Answer Study on the New Testament).

This study on Jesus is now complete, but the story of Jesus is not over; it will extend throughout eternity, Amen.

These Studies by Br Val Boyle may be downloaded and freely distributed but not sold for profit.

Advanced Bible Studies 2