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It will matter little when I lie in my coffin! ',

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It will matter little when I lie in my coffin! 

What does it really matter where we spend
the few years of our pilgrimage here below?

Life is short, vain, and transitory; and if I live 
in comfort and wealth, or in comparative poverty, 
it will matter little when I lie in my coffin! 

This life is soon passing away, and an eternal state
fast coming on! It will greatly matter whether . . .
our religion was natural or spiritual,
our faith human or divine,
our hope a heavenly gift or a spider's web! 

But our blind, foolish hearts are so concerned about 
things which are but the dust of the balance, and so 
little anxious about our all in all.

There is no greater inheritance than to be a son or 
daughter of the Lord Almighty. To have a saving 
interest in . . . 
the electing love of the Father,
the redeeming blood of the Son,
and the sanctifying operations of the Holy Spirit, 
is worth a million of worlds! Without such, we must 
be eternally miserable; and with it eternally happy.

"For God has reserved a priceless inheritance for His
children. It is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, 
beyond the reach of change and decay!" 1 Peter 1:4

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