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Is the law contrary to freedom

Subjection to laws is not of itself a form of bondage. Every nation on earth has laws and statutes.

America is a nation whose population has, to a considerable extent, accommodated others who came seeking greater freedom-liberties that are safeguarded by law.

"Three quarters of the population ... are the descendants of immigrants from Asia and Africa and, most of all, from the continent of Europe." Many of them, particularly Jewish immigrants, "saw America as the Land of Canaan" (Alistair Cooke, America, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1980, pp. 273, 278).

When these immigrants arrived and became citizens, they took an oath by which they agreed to obey the laws of their newly embraced land. This oath includes these words: "I will give my support to the Constitution and to the laws of the United States. I will obey them."

Many newly naturalized citizens came to America to escape despotism and totalitarianism in their native lands. They did not consider obedience to America's laws to be another form of bondage. They embraced what they considered to be a new life full of freedom.

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