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If you want to see what sin really is'

Back to Man's religion & God's religion 6

To cast the sinning angels out of heaven; 
to banish Adam from Paradise; 
to destroy the old world by a flood; 
to burn Sodom and Gomorrah with fire from heaven–
these examples of God's displeasure against sin were 
not sufficient to express His condemnation of it. He 
would therefore take another way of making it manifest. 

And what was this? 

By sending His own Son out of His bosom, and offering 
Him as a sacrifice for sin upon the tree at Calvary, He 
would make it manifest how He abhorred sin, and how 
His righteous character must forever condemn it. 

See here the love of God to poor guilty man in not 
sparing His own Son; and yet the hatred of God against 
sin, in condemning it in the death of Jesus.

It is almost as if God said, "If you want to see what 
sin really is
, you cannot see it in the depths of hell. I 
will show you sin in blacker colours still– you shall see 
it in the sufferings of My dear Son; in His agonies of 
body and soul; and in what He as a holy, innocent 
Lamb endured under My wrath, when He consented 
to take the sinner's place."

What wondrous wisdom
what depths of love
what treasures of mercy
what heights of grace 
were thus revealed and brought to light in God's 
unsparing condemnation of sin, and yet in His 
full and free pardon of the sinner!

If you have ever had a view by faith of the suffering 
Son of God in the garden and upon the cross; if you 
have ever seen the wrath of God due to you, falling 
upon the head of the God-Man; and viewed a bleeding, 
agonizing Immanuel; then you have seen and felt in 
the depths of your conscience what a dreadful thing 
sin is.  
Then the broken-hearted child of God looks 
unto Him whom he has pierced, and mourns and grieves
bitterly for Him, as for a first born son who has died.

Under this sight he feels what a dreadful thing sin is.

"Oh," he says, "did God afflict His dear Son? Did 
Jesus, the darling of God, endure all these sufferings 
and sorrows to save my soul from the bottomless pit? 
O, can I ever hate sin enough? Can I ever grieve and 
mourn over it enough? Can my stony heart ever be 
dissolved into contrition enough, when by faith I see 
the agonies, and hear the groans of the suffering, 
bleeding Lamb of God?"

Christians hate their sins. They hate that sinful, that 
dreadfully sinful flesh of theirs which has so often, 
which has so continually, betrayed them into sin. 
And thus they join with God in passing condemnation 
upon the whole of their flesh; upon all its acting's and 
workings; upon all its thoughts and words and deeds; 
and hate it as the prolific parent of that sin which 
crucified Christ, and torments and plagues them.

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