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If you are at home in the world',

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"We are here for only a moment, sojourners and 
strangers in the land 
as our ancestors were 
before us. Our days on earth are like a shadow, 
gone so soon without a trace." 1 Chron. 29:15

If you possess the faith of Abraham, Isaac, and, 
Jacob, you, like them, confess that you are a 
stranger; and your confession springs out of a 
believing heart and a sincere experience. 

You feel yourself a stranger in this ungodly world.

It is not your element. 

It is not your home. 

You are in it during God's appointed time, but 
you wander up and down this world . . .

a stranger to its company,
a stranger to its maxims,
a stranger to its fashions,
a stranger to its principles,
a stranger to its motives,
a stranger to its lusts, 
a stranger to its inclinations, and all in which 
this world moves as in its native element. 

Grace has separated you by God's sovereign power,
that though you are in the world, you are not of it. 

I can tell you plainly—if you are at home in the 
; if the things of time and sense are your 
element; if you feel one with . . .
the company of the world, 
the maxims of the world, 
the fashions of the world, and 
the principles of the world 
—grace has not reached your heart, the faith 
of God's elect does not dwell in your bosom. 

The first effect of grace is to separate. 

It was so in the case of Abraham. He was called 
by grace to leave the land of his fathers, and go 
out into a land that God would show him. And so 
God's own word to His people is now, "Come out 
from among them, and be separate, says the Lord, 
and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive 
you, and will be a Father unto you, and you shall 
be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." 

Separation, separation, separation from the world 
is the grand distinguishing mark of vital godliness. 

There may be indeed separation of body where there 
is no separation of heart. But what I mean is . . .
separation of heart,
separation of principle,
separation of affection,
separation of spirit

And if grace has touched your heart, and you are 
a partaker of the faith of God's elect, you are a 
stranger in the world, and will make it manifest 
by your life and conduct that you are such.

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