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However low we may sink',

Back to Man's religion & God's religion 9

What a mercy it is to have a faithful, gracious, and 
compassionate High Priest who can sympathize with 
His poor, tried, tempted family—so that however 
low we may sink
 . . .
His piteous eye can see us in our low estate,
His gracious ear hear our cries,
His loving heart melt over us, and
His strong arm pluck us from our destructions! 

Oh, what would we do without such a gracious 
and most suitable Saviour as our blessed Jesus! 
How He seems to rise more and more . . .

in our estimation,
in our thoughts,
in our desires,
in our affections, 
as we see and feel . . .

what a wreck and ruin we are,
what dreadful havoc sin has made with us,
what miserable outcasts we are by nature.

But oh, how needful it is, dear friend, to be 
brought down in our soul to be the . . .
chief of sinners,
viler than the vilest,
worse than the worst, 
that we may really and truly believe in, and cleave 
unto, this most precious and suitable Saviour!

Yours affectionately in the Lord,
"http://www.gracegems.org/Philpot/sermons.htm" J. C. Philpot, October 1, 1868

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