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Hell is a Christian Hoax 21


I will now point out just some of the endless contradictions, un-scriptural statements, and outright lies contained in Bill's book and lectures.

NOTICE: In the following list of Contradictions in which I quote someone; all CAPITALIZED WORDS and all underlined words are mine unless otherwise noted. This will save much repetition after each quotation.

Contradiction #1

Whence the title: "23 minutes?" This first contradiction has seven (count them) contradicting variations.

From statements in Bill's book, Scripts, and Internet videos, here are Bill's own words telling us how this book came to be titled "23 Minutes in Hell:

( 1) "I KNEW it was 3 o'clock," "the time WAS 3 a.m.," "I was aware the time WAS 3 a.m."

( 2) "I GOT UP at 3 o'clock in the morning..."

( 3) "ABOUT 3:00 o'clock in the morning I was taken."

( 4) "it WAS between 2 and 3 a.m."

( 5) "Sometime MAYBE BETWEEN midnight and 3 in the morning...That's when I went to sleep, so it had to happen somewhere between there."

( 6) "We went to bed at 11 p.m., and sometime between 11 and 3 it happened." (I don't want to make a big deal out what time they went to bed, but here we are told they went to bed at 11 p.m., but at another place it was after 11 p.m., another place Annette says it was 11:30 p.m., and another says shortly before midnight).

( 7) "I DON'T KNOW what time ( it was) ."

( 8) Bill's wife, Annette, (who wasn't witness to any of this), nonetheless, assures us that "...he left at 3:00 a.m., so that's where the 23 minutes came from."

Recap: "I KNEW it was 3 o'clock," "the time WAS 3 a.m.," "I was aware the time WAS 3 a.m.," "IGOT UP at 3 o'clock in the morning," "ABOUT 3:00 o'clock," "it WAS between 2 and 3 a.m.," "Sometime MAYBE BETWEEN midnight and 3 in the morning," "sometime between 11 and 3 it happened," "...he left at 3:00 a.m.," and "I DON'T KNOW what time ( it was) "! Unbelievable. UNBELIEVABLE!

No, I'm afraid that according to his book, all the scripts & videos, plus Annette's testimony, there is not a shred of consistent evidence for the title of this book to be 23 Minutes in Hell. .

So why should it seem strange that from this point forward, my attitude is becoming totally incredulous toward Bill's fantastic journey to "Neverland?" Uh, I mean to "Netherland," - the "Netherworld."

It is unfathomable to believe that someone could make this many contradictions concerning the simple matter of how he gave title to his book. And if you think his story-telling gets any better or more accurate from here on, I suggest that you read this to the end. The best is yet to come.

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