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Having nothing—and yet possessing all things.',

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"Having nothing—and yet possessing all things." 2 Cor. 6:10

How can this apparent contradiction be reconciled? 

It is resolved thus—
"having nothing" in self,
"possessing all things" in Christ.

And just in proportion as I have nothing in self 
experimentally—so I possess all things in Christ.

My own beggary leads me out of self 
into His riches

My own unrighteousness leads me out of self 
into Christ's righteousness

My own defilement leads me out of self 
into Christ's sanctification

My own weakness leads me out of self 
into Christ's strength

My own misery leads me out of self 
into Christ's mercy.

"Having nothing—and yet possessing all things." 2 Cor. 6:10

These two branches of divine truth, so far from clashing with 
each other—sweetly, gloriously, and blessedly harmonize. 
And just in proportion as we know spiritually, experimentally, 
and vitally of "having nothing," in self—just so much shall we 
know spiritually, experimentally, and vitally of "possessing all 
things" in Christ.

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