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Greatest Phrase Ignored

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Most people know of what is called “The Lord’s Prayer.” Many can recite it from memory, having practiced this without understanding that it is simply a model or guideline for how to pray. I learned it at age four. It begins, “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth...” (Matt. 6:9-10). Of the masses who recite it, how many actually think about the phrase “Thy kingdom come”—or, for that matter, God’s “will [His Master Plan] being done on Earth”?

For 2,000 years, countless millions have sought to follow Jesus’ instruction, praying, “Thy kingdom come” without ever really pondering the staggering meaning behind this small phrase. Almost none know what you saw earlier, that Jesus stated just 23 verses later, “But seek you first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness” (Matt. 6:33).

The Ultimate Good News
Beyond all the bad news is wonderful good news—and it is just as detailed! Sadly, few speak of it! Most talk only about the end of the world and the supposed annihilation of humanity. This is because they are ignorant of the most important parts of Bible prophecy. We teach more on Bible prophecy by far—and most importantly the truth of it!—than anyone else. You do not need to be ignorant. But you must study diligently.

Soon after Christ’s Return and the establishment of God’s kingdom on Earth—not in heaven—suffering will disappear. War will be a thing of the past. So will terrorism. Crime will vanish. Children will play safely everywhere. Drugs and alcohol will no longer enslave people. Poverty will be gone. As will illiteracy. Mass healings will occur. A pure language will help re-educate the population (Zeph. 3:9). Earth’s polluted environment will finally be restored. Air will be clean. Pure drinking water will be abundant. Even the nature of animals will be changed.

As “King of kings,” Christ will rule all nations as they have never been ruled. He will be compassionate, perfect in character, truthful and full of wisdom—as well as have love for those He governs. He will never compromise God’s Law, which is summarized as the way of outgoing concern for others. While firm, He will administer the commandments in every nation with patience and understanding, and grant forgiveness to all who seek it, sincerely desiring to change.

The world will become a perfect environment for all to finally be able to live God’s Way according to His perfect Law—which is the way of peace, prosperity and joy. Religious deception and confusion will no longer exist. Humanity will finally be humble, and thus teachable. Everyone will learn God’s truth: “For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” (Isa. 11:9). What a marvelous time is coming. You will want to read my inspiring book Tomorrow’s Wonderful World – An Inside View! It offers a picture from God’s Word truly beyond the grandest plans of men.

Only one God could bring such powerful intervention in the affairs of men…

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