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Grace-What Is It 7

People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God- having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them. (II Timothy 3:2-5-NIV)

The writer of a recent book declares we are entering an age of deception. I believe this. From what I see of the Charismatic movement, of which I am part, we are in deception already.

Things are not getting better. Recently a minister stood in front of the congregation and reminded them how former pastors had left them but they are fortunate because he has remained with them.

(Can you imagine Jesus or the Apostle Paul acting in such a manner?)

At this the congregation burst into applause. He did not exalt the Lord. He exalted himself. All of this is foolishness and characteristic of our time. The people are self-assured, arrogant, smug. They will turn away from anyone who tells them they must deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow the Lord Jesus.

I suppose it is only the super-saints who are supposed to do this.

The preaching of lawless grace is evolving into the most ridiculous excesses as ministers are telling their congregations there is nothing they are to do but believe and wait for the "rapture."

Very little of the New Testament is expounded. Sunday after Sunday the "rapture," the supposed escape from trouble, is emphasized again and again as though it composed the major part of the text of the New Testament.

This is not food for the lambs or the sheep.

It is evident we are coming to a fork in the road. As the Lord begins to declare the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, many of the pastors may cling to their deceptions out of fear of losing their congregation.

Maybe this is a good thing because then each individual will have to seek God for himself in order to find out what the Bible really says.

Perhaps a Gideon's army will be drawn from the Pentecostal ranks, a warlike remnant. If so, they will grow further and further away from the immaturity that prevails in the churches that maintain the lawless grace-rapture-Heaven emphasis.

I have little doubt but that the congregations that do not turn and begin to serve God in righteousness will become synagogues of Satan. In this case they will slander the true work of the Lord.

How do you feel about all this? Have you gone to Jesus and asked Him for the truth? Read the New Testament. See if the emphasis is on a salvation formula, such as the "four steps." See if indeed salvation is supposed to be a ticket to Heaven.

Look for such a viewpoint in the Scriptures. Then search for passages that indicate salvation is something we have to work at each day. Watch carefully for the Apostle Paul's warnings concerning those believers who continue to sin.

See if Paul tells them it doesn't matter if they live in the flesh or if he emphasizes they stand in danger of not inheriting the Kingdom of God.

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