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Gen. 22:1

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Gen 22:1 Abraham is tempted to offer Isaac.

Gen 22:3 He gives proof of his faith and obedience.

Gen 22:11 The angel prevents him.

Gen 22:13 Isaac is exchanged for a ram.

Gen 22:14 The place is called Jehovah-jireh.

Gen 22:15 Abraham is again blessed.

Gen 22:20 The generations of Nahor unto Rebekah.

A.M. 2132. B.C. 1872. Jos. Ant. God.

Exod 15:25; Exod 15:26; Exod 16:4; Deut 8:2; Deut 13:3; Judg 2:22; 2Sam 24:1; 2Chr 32:31

Prov 17:3; 1Cor 10:13; Heb 11:17; Jas 1:12-14; Jas 2:21; 1Pet 1:7

tempt.Or prove, or try, as tempt, from tento, originally signified.

Behold, here I am. Heb. Behold me.

Gen 22:7; Gen 22:11; Exod 3:4; Isa 6:8