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Exodus Chapter 29:38-46

1:1-7, 1:8-14, 1:15-22, 2:1-4, 2:5-10, 2:11-15, 2:16-22, 2:23-25, 3:1-6, 3:7-10, 3:11-15, 3:16-22, 4:1-9, 4:10-17, 4:18-23, 4:24-31, 5:1-2, 5:3-9, 5:10-14, 5:15-23, 6:1-9, 6:10-13, 6:14-30, 7:1-7, 7:8-13, 7:14-25, 8:1-15, 8:16-19, 8:20-32, 9:1-7, 9:8-12, 9:13-21, 9:22-35, 10:1-11, 10:12-20, 10:21-29, 11:1-3, 11:4-10, 12:1-20, 12:21-28, 12:29-36, 12:37-42, 12:43-51, 13:1-10, 13:11-16, 13:17-22, 14:1-9, 14:10-14, 14:15-20, 14:21-31, 15:1-21, 15:22-27, 16:1-12, 16:13-21, 16:22-31, 16:32-36, 17:1-7, 17:8-16, 18:1-6, 18:7-12, 18:13-27, 19:1-8, 19:9-15, 19:16-25, 20:1-11, 20:12-17, 20:18-21, 20:22-26, 21:1-11, 21:12-21, 21:22-36, 22:1-6, 22:7-15, 22:16-24, 22:25-31, 23:1-9, 23:10-19, 23:20-33, 24:1-8, 24:9-11, 24:12-18, 25:1-9, 25:10-22, 25:23-30, 25:31-40, 26:1-6, 26:7-14, 26:15-30, 26:31-37, 27:1-8, 27:9-19, 27:20-21, 28:1-5, 28:6-14, 28:15-30, 28:31-39, 28:40-43, 29:1-37, 29:38-46, 30:1-10, 30:-16, 30:17-21, 30:22-38, 31:1-11, 31:12-18, 32:1-6, 32:7-14, 32:15-20, 32:21-29, 32:30-35, 33:1-6, 33:7-11, 33:12-23, 34:1-4, 34:5-9, 34:10-17, 34:18-27, 34:28-35, 35:1-19, 35:20-29, 35:30-35, 36:1-7, 36:8-13, 36:14-34, 36:35-38, 37:1-9, 37:10-24, 37:25-29, 38:1-8, 38:9-20, 38:21-31, 39:1-31, 39:32-43, 40:1-15, 40:16-33, 40:34-38,

Exo 29:38-46
In this paragraph we have,

I. The daily service appointed. A lamb was to be offered upon the altar every morning, and a lamb every evening, each with a meat-offering, both made by fire, as a continual burnt-offering throughout their generations, Exo 29:38-41. Whether there were any other sacrifices to be offered or not, these were sure to be offered, at the public charge, for the benefit and comfort of all Israel, to make atonement for their daily sins, and to be an acknowledgement to God of their daily mercies. This was that which the duty of every day required. The taking away of this daily sacrifice by Antiochus, for so many evenings and mornings, was that great calamity of the church which was foretold, Dan 8:11. Note, 1. This typified the continual intercession which Christ ever lives to make, in virtue of his satisfaction, for the continual sanctification of his church: though he offered himself once for all, yet that one offering thus becomes a continual offering.

2. This teaches us to offer up to God the spiritual sacrifices of prayer and praise every day, morning and evening, in humble acknowledgement of our dependence upon him and our obligations to him. Our daily devotions must be looked upon as the most needful of our daily works and the most pleasant of our daily comforts. Whatever business we have, this must never be omitted, either morning or evening; prayer-time must be kept up as duly as meat-time. The daily sacrifices were as the daily meals in God's house, and therefore they were always attended with bread and wine. Those starve their own souls that keep not up a constant attendance on the throne of grace.

II. Great and precious promises made of God's favour to Israel, and the tokens of his special presence with them, while they thus kept up his institutions among them. He speaks as one well pleased with the appointment of the daily sacrifice; for, before he proceeds to the other appointments that follow, he interposes these promises. It is constancy in religion that brings in the comfort of it.

He promises, 1. That he would keep up communion with them; that he would not only meet Moses, and speak to him, but that he would meet the children of Israel, (Exo 29:43), to accept the daily sacrifices offered up on their behalf. Note, God will not fail to give those the meeting who diligently and conscientiously attend upon him in the ordinances of his own appointment. 2. That he would own his own institutions, the tabernacle, the altar, the priesthood (Exo 29:43, 44); he would take possession of that which was consecrated to him. Note, What is sanctified to the glory of God shall be sanctified by his glory. If we do our part, God will do his, and will mark and fit that for himself which is in sincerity given up to him.

3. That he would reside among them as God in covenant with them, and would give them sure and comfortable tokens of his peculiar favour to them, and his special presence with them (Exo 29:45, 46): I will dwell among the children of Israel. Note, Where God sets up the tabernacle of his ordinances he will himself dwell. Lo, I am with you always, Mat 28:20. Those that abide in God's house shall have God to abide with them. I will be their God, and they shall know that I am so. Note, Those are truly happy that have a covenant-interest in God as theirs and the comfortable evidence of that interest. If we have this, we have enough, and need no more to make us happy.