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Enduring to the End 12

Enduring to the End 12

Word of Righteousness

Because they lead my people astray, saying, Peace, when there is no peace, and because, when a flimsy wall is built, they cover it with whitewash, therefore tell those who cover it with whitewash that it is going to fall. Rain will come in torrents, and I will send hailstones hurtling down, and violent winds will burst forth. When the wall collapses, will people not ask you, "Where is the whitewash you covered it with? (Ezekiel 13:10-12—NIV)

Doctrine that obviously is false is embraced by the Christians of our day. Theologians attempt to outdo one another as they rush to assure the Christians that God is Santa Claus; the Lord Jesus Christ is "good old Jesus" who winks at the sins of the believers; the Holy Spirit is a warm feeling that comes upon us once in a while.

The prodigal son lifts his hand while living in the slops and the Father hastens to assure him that no matter how he continues to defile himself the Father loves him and his place in the family can never be taken away.

The pastors, evangelists, and teachers speak only that which is "positive" so the number of those in attendance will be large and the offering abundant. The preacher who would dare to speak of self-denial or suffering is mocked and scorned as a sick individual who doesn't understand how much God loves people.

The fear of God, the iron and fire of the God of Israel, have been removed. In their place is a ceaseless reminder of God's love and mercy. The believers will be surprised when they find out how stern God actually is and their trust will then turn to hatred. "How could God let me suffer like this?"

The preachers will be wise if they make friends with their congregations so they will have someone to receive them when they die. God regards them as faithless stewards.

The true saints are to rejoice as they see the age of moral horrors approaching with its persecution of all who seek righteousness. The darkest hour is just before the dawn. The path of the righteous is shining more and more until the new world of righteousness comes into view.

We interpret Matthew, Chapter 24 to mean the rebellion and tribulation spoken of by the Lord will take place over the next several years. Once the worldwide persecution of the saints begins, that generation will not pass away until all has been fulfilled and the Lord returns.

We must endure to the end, praying, serving the Lord, bearing our cross patiently behind the Lord. We must be ready to have our loved ones removed from us or slain, to have our property taken from us, to be despised and hated, to be driven from the cities of the earth.

We must pray for the faith and patience to escape being harmed spiritually by all these things until we stand in victory before the Son of Man. As long as we follow Him not a hair of our head will perish. We may be tortured and killed for the Gospel but not a hair of our head will perish. All we value shall be raised in the resurrection of the righteous.

If we are wise we will come out in our heart from the American way of death. We will hold our children as close to us as we can, instructing them continually in the ways of the Lord, paying attention to them, loving them, imparting to them our values if at all possible. When the authorities come to take them away we want our children to be able to declare their personal faith in the Lord, their willingness to die for His name.

The Spirit of God is warning us today to prepare ourselves for the age of moral horrors we are facing. We can and we shall escape being spiritually damaged by all that we are facing if we will walk hand in hand with the Lord. Then when He appears we shall appear with Him and partake with Him of the glory of God's Kingdom. (from Enduring to the End)