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Eight Appearances of the Victorious Saints 21

Eight Appearances of the Victorious Saints,21

And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. (Revelation 20:12)

Do you remember the reward given to the early Apostles? "You will sit on thrones judging the tribes of Israel."

I am glad that authority was assigned to them. I myself would not care to judge the tribes of Israel. They argue too much!

The victorious saints will judge the world, and the angels also. This honor have all the Lord's saints.

"Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection." Can you sense from these words that this is an elite group? The members are distinguished by being blessed and holy.

There is nothing about the first resurrection that sounds anything like a resurrection to basic salvation. Rather it is the resurrection of God's firstfruits, His holy kings and priests.

The second death has no authority over them because there is no sin in them. Do you remember when we were talking about the sealed servants that Dan (judgment) was not present? As long as there is sin in us the Lake of Fire has authority over that part of us, for the Father has assigned specific behaviors to the Lake of Fire and into the Lake of Fire they shall go. They shall not be admitted into the city of God, not by grace, mercy, or by any other means.

Again it is repeated, "shall reign with him a thousand years."

This is the last appearance of the victorious saints we shall mention.

The new Jerusalem, the holy city, is the Bride of the Lamb. All the elect of God are part of the new Jerusalem. The firstfruits, the victorious saints, were separated for a season in order that they might gain victory for the entire camp.

We see this pattern where Gideon and his three hundred gained victory for all Israel. Also where David won victory for all Israel. The Lord has His "mighty men"!

It is our point of view that the emphasis of the Holy Spirit in the present hour appears to be on the calling forth of rulers. Many who are last in time shall be first in the Kingdom of God. The Church is in travail. He who is to govern the creation of God is being brought forth. Christ, the King, is being formed in us.

Every generation of the Church Era has had it own revelation, its own grace, its own part in building the Kingdom of God. Those who have gone before have borne witness to us, making it possible for us to press toward the summit.

Now they are watching us and profiting as we struggle toward the peak.

The whole body is built by that which every joint supplies.

Not every member of God's elect has had the opportunity we have today to press upward toward the Throne just as we did not have the opportunity to walk with Jesus of Nazareth along the shore of the Sea of Galilee. But everyone who is called will attain his or her own destiny if found diligent and faithful to the Lord.

Ours is a truly great hour. The window is open. We can lay hold on the fullness of God. The generation after us will have even greater opportunity and so on and on until the Lord returns.

Let us serve our generation by the will of God. Those who have gone before will profit as they watch us from the spirit realm. Those who come after us will profit from our example and teaching and press upward toward the mark.

Only one life we have, and it is so brief! Let us not be foolish. Let us make every minute count.

We have all eternity to rest!

'To be continued Eight Appearances of the Victorious Saints 22