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Did Jesus Abolish the Law of Moses?

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The Lord Jesus stated that He did not come to abolish the Law. Yet the writer of the Book of Hebrews claimed that the Law of Moses is obsolete. How do we reconcile these two scriptural positions?

(8/28/2005) The Lord taught that not the smallest letter will disappear from the Law of Moses until Heaven and earth disappear. Yet, the Apostle insisted we are not under the Law of Moses but under grace.

The reconciliation is as follows: the Law of Moses is a condensed version of the eternal moral law of God. The eternal moral law of God shall never pass away because it is the moral Nature of God, and that never changes.

It is the format of the Ten Commandments that is obsolete. The Ten Commandments can be written on stone, parchment, or paper. However, the eternal moral law of God can be written only in the human mind and heart.

The new covenant consists of God writing His eternal moral in our mind and heart. This is what salvation is—the writing of God’s law in our mind and heart. We have ignored God’s new covenant and have created a covenant of our own that consists of verses gathered and there. We term this compilation "the four steps of salvation." They are not the new covenant! They are a manmade covenant that ignores the true covenant, the writing of the eternal moral law of God in our mind and heart.

The "four steps of salvation" may appear to be an innocent attempt of personal workers to systematize our approach to Christ. What they accomplish is to leave people with the impression that they are on their way to Heaven without moral transformation. But moral transformation is what salvation is!

When Christians are not transformed morally there is no light for the world to see. The light of Christians is their good works. These good works are God’s way of teaching people what is acceptable to Him and what is not. When kindness, truthfulness, a forgiving nature, gentleness, uprightness are not being revealed in the Church, then the world has no way of understanding how to have fellowship with God.

The Lord Jesus is absolutely correct when He maintains that no part of the Law of Moses will disappear. This is because the Ten Commandments are the essence of the eternal moral law, which is to love God with all our might and our neighbour as ourselves.

What shall we do? We have abandoned the salvation of the Lord and have substituted a neat little formula that does not require thorough repentance or a life of cross-carrying obedience.

The Lord Jesus and His Apostles expanded the statements of the Law because they are compressed. To lust in our heart is to commit adultery. To hate our brother is to be a murderer. The Sabbath commandments is greatly expanded until our body is presented as a living sacrifice to God every moment of every day and night.

Why is our world in turmoil today? It is because the Church of Jesus Christ is not bearing the moral light of the Kingdom of God, the light that teaches people how to live so as to please God and have fellowship with Him.

What is to be done about this dreadful situation? The ministers of the Gospel must begin to teach the true new covenant, which is the writing of the eternal moral law of God in our heart and mind.

Our task is to read our Bible, pray every day, and assemble with fervent believers on a regular basis is such can be found. Also, we must obey the commandments found in the Epistles, and any personal directives we are given by the Spirit. When we are scrupulously faithful in doing these things, the Spirit of God will write God’s eternal moral laws in our heart and mind—in our mind so we can understand them and in our heart so we will be motivated to obey them.

Such writing does not occur all at once but line upon line; commandment upon commandment.

The result is a change in our behaviour—a change people can see. When they see our good works they will give glory to God who is revealing Himself through the behaviour of the Christian people.

This is the true grace of God and eternal life.