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Death, or Life 7

Death, or Life 7

See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil; (Deuteronomy 30:15)

For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify [put to death] the deeds of the body, ye shall live. (Romans 8:13)

Since we have been sealed by the Spirit to the day of redemption, and since the Scripture teaches that to those who look for Him the Lord will appear the second time without sin unto salvation, it seems safe to say that the sins that have not been dealt with during our lifetime because of lack of time, or for some other reason, will be removed by the Lord when He appears, on the basis that we have been faithful in every opportunity we have had.

But if we have not cooperated with the Holy Spirit when He has pointed out our sins to us, have not confessed and renounced our sins, have not taken up our cross and followed the Master, we will receive the evil we have practiced. We have not been faithful in the lesser, we will not be trusted with the greater. We have wasted the talent given to us. The outer darkness will be our portion.

If we have been faithful in confessing and renouncing our sins, then, in the day of resurrection, we will be clothed with a sparkling white garment of righteous deeds.

If in addition to being faithful in confessing and renouncing our sins we were faithful in entering the sufferings of Christ so that His resurrection life could spill over to those around us, thus turning many to righteousness, we will receive not only a white robe of righteous deeds but also a crown of eternal life and righteousness. When we are crowned with eternal life and righteousness, we will possess the authority and power to command righteousness throughout the area of the creation of God assigned to us.

In order to participate in the first resurrection, the resurrection of the royal priesthood, we must be cleansed from sin to the point that the second death, the Lake of Fire, which has authority over sin, no longer has authority over us.

The Apostle Paul was seeking to attain the out-resurrection, the resurrection that will take place when the Lord appears. He continually brought his physical body under subjection so he would not sin and thus be disqualified.

How about you and me? Are we willing to lay all else aside that we may learn to live by the power of Christ's resurrection and to share Christ's suffering—suffering that is continuing to this day as Christ is pressed by the evil in the creation?

Will we count all else as garbage that we may win Christ and be found in Him, not having the righteousness that comes from keeping the Law of Moses but the righteousness given to everyone who trusts in Christ and follows the Spirit of God?

Will it be death or life for you and me?

It will be death if we choose to live in our adamic nature.

It will be a glorious resurrection filled with incorruptible life in spirit, soul, and body if we choose to walk each day in the Spirit of God, looking to the Lord Jesus in all that we think, say, and do.

Death or life! It's up to you and me to decide. (from Death, or Life?)