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Day 5. Bearing One Another's Burdens

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"Soon the house where he was staying was so packed with visitors that there was no more room, even outside the door. While he was preaching God's Word to them, four men arrived carrying a paralysed man on a mat." Mark 2:2-3

That was a very touching sight, those four strong men carrying their helpless friend to the Healer. That is the kind of help we ought always to be willing to give to one another. There are on all sides of us — many people who need to be helped. There are lame people to be assisted over rough places, and blind people to be led along the way they cannot see themselves, and even paralytics who have to be carried in strong hands. The Christian law of love requires that we shall be ready always to lend a hand — to those who need the aid we can give. We never can tell how soon it may be our turn to require for ourselves just such friendly aid — as our neighbour requires from us today. If we expect to have people turn aside from their work to help us in our time of need — we must be willing to do as much for others who now require help.

There are many ways of doing the neighbourly duty to others. These four men bore their friend to Jesus. They could not heal him themselves — but they could carry him to the One who could heal him. All around us are neighbours and friends who are spiritual paralytics. We cannot cure them — but perhaps we can take them to One who can do for them what we cannot do.

We should notice, too, that there were four of these men who carried their friend to Jesus. One of them could not have done it; two of them could not have carried him with ease; even for three, the trembling burden would have been hard to bear. But when all four of these brawny men united their strength, they bore the man along without difficulty. So it is in helping sinners to Christ. There is strength in the union of hearts and hands. When one alone cannot take his friend to the Saviour — let him call others to his aid, and let them unite in their efforts on his behalf.

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