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Dating of Time in Evolution

Here is scientific evidence that the 19 dating methods, used to establish ancient dates, are not accurate. Evolutionary theory is a myth. This is science vs. evolution?a Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia , brought to you by Creation Science Facts.
We will here discuss the methods used by scientists today to date ancient substances. Additional extensive facts about the fallacies of fossil dating will be found in Fossils and Strata.

In the list below, full caps at the beginning of a hyperlink show it begins a new page.

DATING OF TIME in Evolution - 1 The Factor of Time - Evolutionists think it can do magical things
Radio dating - Assumptions and inaccuracies of carbon-14 dating
Rock Strata Dating - An introduction to its flaws (see Fossils and Strata for much more on this)

DATING OF TIME in Evolution - 2 Radiocarbon Dating - 17 reasons why radiodating is seriously flawed
Amino Acid Dating - Several reasons why it is remarkably unreliable
Other Dating Methods - Problems with other dating techniques