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Christ and His Saints Go to Work 9

The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. (Revelation 19:14-NIV)

The fine linen is the righteous behaviour of the saints-behaviour that reflects the formation of Christ in their personalities. At their faces the hypocrites of the churches and the wicked of the earth will be horror stricken, realizing that the game is over. Judgment has come and it knows no favourites.

But the meek of the earth will come with rejoicing, bringing their children with them to present to the Lord. What a day for the righteous, as justice has finally come to them. What a nightmare of agony for those who have lived for their own pleasure on the earth, harming other people in order to secure their own comfort and satisfaction.

The day of reckoning has arrived, administered by the saints. May the praise of God be in their mouths and a double-edged sword in their hands, to inflict vengeance on the nations and punishment on the peoples, to bind their kings with fetters, their nobles with shackles of iron, to carry out the sentence written against them. This is the glory of all his saints. Praise the LORD. (Psalms 149:6-9-NIV)

Driving Satan From the Earth When we think about the Garden of Eden we are amazed. How could Paradise actually have existed on the earth? But it did. Man permitted Satan to enter. We have had six thousand years of agony as a result. Now, this is important to understand. Jesus Christ did not appear in order to drive out Satan by Himself, He appeared to enable us to drive Satan out.

This begins with us as an individual. From what I have seen I think some of the believers expect Jesus to do all the work in their salvation. He will never do it. Rather, Jesus guides and empowers us, but we have to do the casting out.

Say you are bound with profanity. The thing to do is to tell Jesus you do not want this in your personality any longer.

Renounce profanity.

Denounce it.

Assign it to the Lake of Fire where it belongs. Get rough with it. When you take your stand the Lord Jesus will help you. You finally will get totally free from it. But if you wait for the Lord to remove the profanity without any effort on your part you will be disappointed with the results.

The reason people do not get delivered from alcohol is they do not pray until they really want to get rid of it. Until you really want to get rid of this devil it will remain in you no matter how many times you are prayed for.

And so with all the rest of our worldliness, lust, and self-will. We have to pray and follow the Lord until we are strong enough to make up our mind we are through with the sin. Then the Lord will help us drive it from us.

The same is true of the whole world. The sin will not be removed until the Lord appears with people who really want it removed. Then He will empower them to drive it totally from the earth. These are God's "untouchables."

When Satan comes he can find no place in them. You can be one of God's untouchables but you will have to work at it.

It is a hard fight.

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