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The parable of the sower may well be the fundamental parable of the Kingdom of God. The parable of the sower reveals to us that the Kingdom of God is not a matter of religion, liturgy, and doctrine, although in our ignorance we have made it so.

(3/13/2005) There is both an outer Kingdom and an inner Kingdom of God, of Heaven. The outer Kingdom will come down from Heaven. It is the visible rule of God in Christ in the saints. However, it is the inner Kingdom that is of supreme importance and is the issue today.

The inner Kingdom is the subject of Jesus’ parables. The inner Kingdom is a Seed, a Seed that comes from God. The Seed is of the Divine Nature. The Divine Seed contains in itself all that is of God, just as the seed of a flower or a tree contains within itself all that is of the organism from which it came.

We cannot see or enter the Kingdom of God until we have been born again. First we are born of water, of a woman. Then we are born of the Spirit of God. It is the new birth that itself is the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom from Heaven. It is Christ in us, the hope of glory.

Once that Seed from God is planted in us and begins to grow, our entire life must be oriented toward insuring that we do not let anything else in our personality and behavior crowd out that seed. It is possible to have the Seed germinate, and then wither and die, as we see in the parable of the sower.

Today the Lord is seeking for those who are willing to become of first rank in the Kingdom of God. They reap the growth of the Seed (Christ) to a hundredfold extent. If I am hearing from the Lord correctly, it is right now that the Spirit of God is moving through the entire Body of Christ, on earth, and in the spirit world as well, to determine who will yield himself completely to the Lord so that Christ may become All in all in him.

Day by day Christ is crucifying what we are in order that His Life may be formed in us. Will we patiently cooperate with the Spirit of God so that we reap the fullness for which we have been ordained? Some will, and you can be among them if this is what you desire above all else.

Those who, because of their willingness to submit to pruning and thus to bear abundantly the fruit of the image of Christ in their personality will, as a result, turn many to righteousness. These lights of God will shine, in the Day of Resurrection, like the stars. The stars give forth light and heat because of the inconceivable energy developed by the nuclear implosions within them.

So it is that those who care to fight through to total victory in the Lord Jesus Christ will wake in that Day to find the fullness of Divine energy serving as the source of their life. These are the sons of God, the brothers of our Lord, and they shall govern God’s creatures for the ages of eternal ages.

This is the Glory of Christ who is being formed in us in the present hour.

At night the emphasis was on faith, from the eleventh chapter of the Book of Hebrews. The point was made that the faith by which the righteous live is the abandonment of our life to Christ, holding back nothing. Complete abandonment is necessary if we are to reap Christ a hundredfold. This is available on audio tape.

The division in the new covenant is not between faith and works. The righteous have lived by faith from the time of Abel. Rather, the division is between the works of the Law of Moses, and the grace of God. Grace is defined as our means of obtaining righteousness apart from the Law, as we are forgiven through the blood atonement and transformed morally by the Presence of God in Christ.