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Chapter Twenty-Three – America and Britain

Father of Many Nations

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Imagine knowing in detail exactly what is in store for the United States and Britain—the greatest nations ever. The governments and leaders of the West do not know the shocking, world-shattering changes just over the horizon for the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and certain Western European nations—with the Middle East at the center of the coming explosion of events.
But you can know—and, if you read carefully, you will!

Against the backdrop of growing fear, mixed with ignorance, many wonder—and are openly asking—about America and Britain’s role in the prophecies foretold to occur in the “last days.” Recognizing their rise to extraordinary prominence, having become so big and dominant that their impact on the world at large is without parallel, people naturally wonder, “What about the United States and Britain?” Surely, among the Bible’s great prophecies, God would not ignore them. Are they mentioned? If so, where? And will these nations be exceptions to the collapse of all the great civilizations that preceded them?

Not knowing who or what to believe, some ask their ministers—and find that they do not know!

Master Key
We now turn our attention to specific nations—in fact, the greatest nations on Earth.

No book on the Bible’s greatest prophecies would be even close to complete without examining the identity of the modern descendants of ancient Israel, and what is foretold to happen to them in the last days. This knowledge is paramount to understanding so much of Bible prophecy and the many topics covered in this volume.

What follows are certain basic sections, and most of two chapters, taken from my book America and Britain in Prophecy. This summary will suffice for this book. Since there is much context that cannot be included here, the serious reader will see the whole of America and Britain as a must-read.

A master lock has padlocked the source revealing where civilization is going. Until the twentieth century, the key to this lock had been lost. Have you ever lost your keys? The world, like you, has been literally “lost without them.” Unlike you, the world had not known where to look. But this master key has been found.

This greatest key to correctly recognize major end-time events has only recently been discovered.

The identity of America and Britain—and what is foretold to happen to these countries just prior to Christ’s Return—is the most important single key, unlocking the over 80 percent of prophecy yet to be fulfilled.

Some Background
Here is basic understanding completely unknown to most: The original nation of Israel split into two separate nations. Literally hundreds of prophecies talk about ancient Israel, often using both the terms “House of Israel” and “House of Judah.” Each of these was taken into captivity by foreign invaders, Israel being taken about 125 years before Judah.

Over a space of three years, 721-718 BC, the House of Israel was invaded, defeated and taken captive by Assyria to the headquarters of their empire located in the Caucasus region (II Kings 17:18,23-24). By the time Daniel recorded his prophecy, he was a Jewish slave with the conquered House of Judah in Babylon—and about 125 years had passed. Judah (with the tribe of Benjamin) had been attacked, slowly conquered over the period from 604-585 BC, and then finally transported as slaves from their homeland. Therefore, Daniel’s prophecies could not have had anything to do with what had already happened to Israel and Judah well before he wrote his book.

The ancient Assyrians—modern Germany—eventually migrated to north-western Europe, taking with them many of their Israelite captives. The world has lost sight of these people—the “Lost Ten Tribes”—because they were taken captive and transported, in two stages—far from their homeland. These tribes themselves lost track of certain basic revealed knowledge, which would have kept them in remembrance of their identity. Instead, because the Jews have ostensibly retained certain knowledge that Israel lost—the weekly Sabbath and annual Feast days are big examples—the world correctly identifies the Jews (and they identify themselves). As a result, the world has generally believed that the Jews are Israel, instead of merely one of twelve tribes, which descended from Israel.

The world does not know how to identify America, Britain, Germany, Russia and other great nations—by their Bible names. Again, they have not known how or where to look—or they would know exactly what lies ahead, for themselves and the other prominent, indeed most dominant, nations of the world!

Deceived by wrong education, consisting of false knowledge and values, the best minds and “thinkers” are biased against the revealed Word of God’s Instruction Manual to mankind. Thus, incredible truths remain locked away from access to the world’s leaders and other “intellectuals” who disdain the Source that reveals them.
Why National Decline?

Longstanding but now open outright hatred for America and Britain is at unprecedented intensity. This will grow worse—much worse. The truth of the Bible is that the American and British peoples will eventually lose all national wealth, power, influence and greatness. They are going to sink into such complete ignominy that the whole world will hold them in utter contempt.

RCG illustration/Paula Rondeau

You are watching this decline—and it will continue, picking up speed. Britain was reduced in world stature before and faster than America, which is rapidly following on the heels of her decline. This is happening faster than any could imagine—but it is only the beginning of what God has in store for our peoples. They will be stripped naked before the world, left in wonderment at how they could not see what led up to their monumental collapse. Their leaders are now groping in the dark for answers they cannot find to the colossal problems confronting them.

But God shall finally reveal to them the cause of untold suffering and punishment, lying just beyond view. They will be forced to learn that “Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” (Prov. 14:34).

Our nations are choking and drowning in sin!

Sir Winston Churchill, the famous Prime Minister of formerly Great Britain, proclaimed, “Some great purpose and design is being worked out here below.” He knew that in some fashion, a Supreme Being was working out a little-understood (and virtually unseen) plan on Earth.

But what is it? Churchill never explained because he did not know.

Why Israel’s Prophesied Greatness Never Came to Judah
God’s Master Plan directly collides with the plans of modern America and Britain, as well as Canada, Australia, New Zealand and certain other countries of north-western Europe.

But some brief history is necessary in order to introduce the prophecies about these nations.

Like every human project, God’s Plan—His project—to save mankind, has a starting point. God had to select one nation with which He would initially work. In essence, the entire Bible, Genesis to Revelation, is primarily the history of one single people—the nation of Israel!

Virtually all prophecy revolves around God’s purpose with this lone nation. Other nations are generally mentioned only as they come in contact with Israel. Think of it this way: The central theme of the entire Bible is the story of the Israelite nation and their relationship with the true God.

The story is not complicated, unless men choose to make it so. Once properly addressed, the ancestry of our modern peoples becomes plain. Our national origin comes clear.

Many have mistakenly thought, “The Jews are God’s chosen people.” This is only partially true, and it denies the tremendous truth about why the United States and Britain rose to such unprecedented prominence and power.

God’s Holy Word clearly reveals that His entire plan of salvation is inseparable from, and relates to, the nation of Israel. Notice this New Testament passage about her: “Who are Israelites; to whom pertains the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises…” (Rom. 9:4).

The Jews never fulfilled the national greatness prophesied—and promised—to come on the modern descendants of ancient Israel. Have you wondered why?

Now ask yourself: Why is it then that the English-speaking peoples most profess to believe in the Bible and the God it describes? Why is it that all peoples of the world who also profess worship of this God were at one time taught by these English-speaking, Anglo-Saxon people? Why is it that these same people have done more to preserve the Bible than any other? Is it not also strange thatthese nations, and not the Jews, have proliferated the Bible around the world far more than all other nations put together?

The Jews were prophesied to become scattered, and were never foretold to achieve national greatness. It is a far different story for the United States and British Commonwealth! It has been said that “Never in history has any country or commonwealth been so blessed,” and that because of this blessing, “Never have so few produced so much to feed so many for so little.” How true of these nations—but this has never been true of the Jews!

Yet, this in no way espouses the racist concept of British Israelism, which teaches that Britain is the kingdom of God on Earth. This is impossible, because Britain is declining not increasing. The Bible teaches no such silliness, but rather that the kingdom of God is vastly greater than the British Empire ever was. God’s promises of eternal salvation were never, and never will be, achieved through the horribly decadent and now shattered British Empire.

Before Israel Appeared
Prior to Moses leading the emerging nation of Israel from Egypt, God did not work with any single nation or people. Also, before this time, there was no Bible—no recorded Scripture. This spans the first 2,500 years of human history. Yet, again, this period of early history reflects no dealings by God with any specific nation. In fact the Bible records very little—just 11 chapters of Genesis—of the first two millennia, taking us to about 400 years after the Noachian Flood.

The Creation account shows how God began His work with humans on the smallest possible scale—one man and one woman. God introduced Himself to this first couple, explaining the basics of His Plan, offering revealed knowledge to life’s great purpose. He showed the way to peace, happiness, abundance and health—through the building of holy, righteous character, chosen by free moral agency. God explained how mankind, through eating of the Tree of Life, could achieve eternal life in the kingdom of God. This included revealing His binding, eternal, spiritual law.

Of course, Adam rejected God’s revealed way and rebelled. His sons followed the way of greed and vanity, trusting in themselves to solve problems through human reason apart from God. Humanity multiplied, and followed the same way—and has reaped uncounted misery, troubles, evils and woes as a result.

Throughout early history, only a very few individuals chose to obey God. Abel was referred to as “righteous”—and a few generations later, “Enoch walked with God” (Gen. 5:24), as did Noah. We saw these men were called “preacher[s] of righteousness” (II Pet. 2:5), which means obedience to God’s Commandments (Psa. 119:172). Shem, Noah’s son, may have been the only other person to serve God in the period up to and immediately following the Flood.

God Calls Abraham
After Shem came Abraham, about four centuries after the Noachian Flood. By this time, all knowledge of the true God and His revealed purpose had disappeared. Once again, as in the period just prior to the Flood, men had completely turned from God’s Way. It was in this circumstance that God began His Work with one man, Abraham, the one through whom He would build the nation of Israel.

As with the one man Adam, God purposed to initially reveal Himself to just one man—Abraham. This single extraordinary, determined, obedient man was all God needed to start His nation. Notice God’s simple command to him, and what was at stake if he obeyed it: “Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get you out of your country, and from your kindred, and from your father’s house, unto a land that I will show you: and I will make of you a great nation…I will bless you, and make your name great” (Gen. 12:1-2).

Faced with a clear decision, what did Abraham do? Did he drag his feet, make excuses or complain? It says, “…So Abram departed” (Gen 12:4). Abraham accepted the condition and obeyed without excuse, question or human reasoning. He did not rebel, following Adam’s way, and the world’s course for 6,000 years. Abraham obeyed God without question, setting an example for every person—ever after—who will serve God. Obedience qualified him to inherit the promises—and it can qualify you, too.

Do not lose sight of what really happened in this remarkable account. How many today would react as Abraham did? Most would argue with God’s logic by suggesting a variety of ways God could fulfill His promise to Abraham where he was. Other scriptures show that Abraham was a very prominent, successful man. This meant he had much more to leave behind than would the average person.

He still obeyed without delay!

Much more is contained in this account than meets the eye—or than meets the shallow understanding of almost every Bible student who, at best, only partially understands what was at stake here. We shall see that incredible consequences flowed from this decision.

“A Great Nation”—But Far More!
Recognize that Abraham’s obedience was attached to—“I will make of you a great nation.” Virtually no one grasps the significance of this huge statement, carrying implications almost beyond comprehension. Fascinating knowledge and understanding will soon open before your eyes.

Sometime later, God changed Abraham’s name (originally Abram) because Abraham was to be the father of God’s nation, Israel, established for a great purpose. Notice: “This people [Israel] have I formed for Myself; they shall show forth My praise” (Isa. 43:21).

Isaiah’s prophecy is still future, not yet fulfilled. God never forgets His purpose—and it will be fulfilled just beyond events of the next few years.

Most Bible students do not recognize that God’s Plan also carries duality throughout. The first Adam was made physical and material. The second Adam, Christ, was made divine and spiritual. The Old Covenant is material and temporal, the New Covenant is spiritual and eternal. Man was made physical, from the dust—mortal and of the human kingdom. Yet, through Christ, man may receive God’s Spirit, become spiritual—and then be made of spirit, immortal and of the kingdom of God.

This sets up what almost everyone has missed: The promises to Abraham, in like manner, carry two separate phases. Most who know anything of the Bible are aware that salvation, through the promised Messiah, was promised through Abraham—that God gave the promise that Christ would appear as Abraham’s descendant. In other words, we receive salvation through Christ, who was born of Abraham generations later.

I must at least add that most have no idea what salvation really is. They simply have never heard the truth of exactly what is the Christian’s inheritance. But this extraordinary understanding is covered in detail in my other books. The focus here is on the second promise to Abraham, not just misunderstood, but entirely overlooked by Christianity and the world at large.

Let’s return to Genesis 12:1-20 for a moment and notice the awesome dual promise to Abraham, with the first part having to do entirely with promised physical, material greatness: “Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get you out of your country, and from your kindred, and from your father’s house, unto a land that I will show you: and I will make of you a great nation … I will bless you, and make your name great…and in you shall all families of the earth be blessed” (Gen 12:1-3).

The last part of Gen 12:3, pointing to salvation, though largely misunderstood, has been the world’s focus. But, plainly, there is duality here. This promise has two separate aspects: (1) An unrecognized promise with physical, material, national implications—“I will make of you a great nation”—which is a reference to the race foretold to descend from Abraham, and (2) the generally recognized (but not truly understood) spiritual promise of grace through Christ, Abraham’s “Seed.”

Next notice Genesis 22:18, which is nearly identical to this promise of Genesis 12:3, stating, “And in your Seed shall all the nations [“families”] of the earth be blessed.” Galatians 3:8, 16 confirms that this particular “one Seed” is a specific reference to Christ.

Some have tried to say that both promises are fulfilled in the New Testament Church, asserting that the Bible calls the Church a nation. It is true that God describes His New Testament Church as a nation: “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of Him who has called you” (I Pet. 2:9).

Certainly, the New Testament Church is spiritual Israel today. But we will see that it is impossible for the Church to fulfill God’s reference to become “a great nation,” promised to Abraham.

Salvation Through Christ
It is at this point that most Bible students and professing Christians go astray. We must briefly examine how Abraham is tied to spiritual salvation for all human beings. It is critical to understand that salvation and material promises of national greatness to Abraham’s physical descendants are part of what God promised him.

While some wish to “spiritualize away” the physical promise to the physical race descending from Abraham, you will find this impossible to do when certain verses are clearly understood—and in some cases merely just read for what they say. As these verses are examined here, it will also become clear that they point directly to the United States, Britain and other Western countries.

First, you may not have understood that every Christian is a child of Abraham. Yet this is what Paul told the Gentile Galatians: “Know you therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham” (Gal 3:7).

The book of Galatians calls Abraham “the father of the faithful.” This is because those “of faith” are his “children.” Understanding the phrase “children of Abraham” is key to understanding what Christians will inherit.

The New Testament also speaks of this promise to Abraham. Notice: “Now to Abraham and his seed [children] were the promises made…” (Gal. 3:16). This speaks of specific promises made to Abraham and “his seed”—his children. Here is how this is tied to Christians: “And if you be Christ’s, then areyou Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise” (Gal 3:29). While millions sing “Standing on the Promises,” they do not know what the promises are!

This verse is a fascinating statement. All faithful Christians are heirs—not yet inheritors—to whatever was promised to Abraham.

Grasp this. Your salvation is tied to this promise!

Therefore, you need to know what was promised to Abraham. The answer is all-important since it explains how you will spend eternity!

Surely God would not expect anyone to blindly accept what was promised without investigation. (No agreement, contract or covenant works this way.) The Bible does reveal the nature of this promise. Once you discover what God said, His entire purpose for mankind can be understood. It is revealed in a series of verses, because it is an unfolding promise, not all revealed in any one passage. God’s extraordinary promise slowly expands to enormous proportions.

Prepare to be astonished! You are about to read things no one understands—or even can—without God revealing them. Paul wrote, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared [His promises] for them that love Him. But God has revealed them unto us by His Spirit” (I Cor. 2:9-10).
May God open your mind to see. What He promised Abraham—and has promised you—is beyond the wildest dreams of your imagination!

Confirming the Promise
Jesus’ role, at His First Coming, had a direct bearing on the promises to Abraham: “Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers” (Rom. 15:8).

We will see how Jesus’ sacrifice did this. But first we must identify who the “fathers” are. Acts 3:13 holds the answer: “The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified His Son Jesus.”

So, the fathers referred to are Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Christians will inherit whatever was promised to them!

The Land of Promise
Abraham was obedient—faithful. Whatever God told him to do, he did! Because true Christians also faithfully obey God, this is another way in which Abraham is a father, in type, to them. He obeyed God without question, setting an example for every Christian. I repeat: Obedience qualified Abraham to inherit the promises—and it can qualify you.

The promises become more specific in the next verses of Genesis 12:1-20 as Abraham begins his journey: “And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Sichem, unto the plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land. And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto your seed [children] will I give this land” (Gen 12:6-7).

The land he went to is the modern-day nation known as Israel. This is the first indication of what God promised him. It is now evident that the promise involves land with unspecified boundaries—“this land.”

But how much land?

The answer to this question develops in stages. We will examine each. Notice: “And the Lord said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now your eyes, and look from the place where you are northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: for all the land which you see, to you will I give it, and to your seed forever” (Gen. 13:14-15).

At this point, what Abraham could “see,” looking in four directions, was the immediate region around where he stood. Yet, it was to go to his children forever. Notice that. Forever means eternally!

Gen 13:16 adds this about his descendants: “And I will make your seed as the dust of the earth: so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall your seed also be numbered.”

This means that an immense and uncountable number of people would eventually descend from Abraham. It also introduces two related points: (1) A number of this magnitude—“as the [grains of] dust of the earth”—has to be far more than just the Jews, and (2) a passage suggesting other nations must be included.

Genesis 15:1-21 adds further to the promise, and begins to show the magnitude of what “to your seed” means. Let’s read what God showed Abraham in a vision: “And He brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if you be able to number them: and He said unto him, So shall your seed be” (Gen 15:5).

But the scope of the promise, and the land involved, is about to increase beyond the boundaries of Canaan. As with a deed, when one inherits land, specific boundaries must spell out exactly how much land is involved. Obviously, God understands this. Notice: “In the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto your seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt [the Nile] unto the great river, the river Euphrates [in present-day Iraq]” (Gen. 15:18).

This is specific! The Nile River bisects Egypt—and the Euphrates River divides present-day Iraq almost directly down the middle, from northwest to southeast. So this is land on Earth, not heaven, as some suggest. And any map will show you that it is much land. It is also much more than Abraham could see. But the final amount God described is actually far greater than this.

Several scriptures explain that, ultimately, the entire earth was the land to be given to Abraham. Here is one: “Our father Abraham…for the promise, that he [Abraham] should be the heir of the world …” (Rom. 4:12-13).

Recall Jesus taught, “The meek…shall inherit the earth” (Matt. 5:5). Christians will be “heirs” of the whole world because God keeps His promises!

But let’s return to the immediate development of what the promise to Abraham encompassed.

Father of Many Nations

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