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Certain signs of an unconverted sinner

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"If any man loves the world, the love of the Father
is not in him." 1 John 2:15

The predominant love of the world is a sure evidence 
of an unsanctified heart. But how often does this sin 
lurk under the fair cover of profession. Yes, such a 
power of deceit is there in this sin that many times, 
when everybody else can see the man's worldliness 
and covetousness—he cannot see it himself! He has 
so many excuses and pretenses for his eagerness after 
the world, that he blinds his own eyes and perishes in 
his self-deceit! How many professing Christians are 
there, with whom the world has more of their hearts 
and affections than Christ, 'who mind earthly things', 
and thereby are evidently after the flesh, and likely 
to end in destruction (Rom 8:5; Phil 3:19).

Did they but carefully search their hearts, they would 
quickly see that their greatest satisfaction is in the world, 
and that their greatest care and main endeavor are to get 
and secure the world—which are the certain signs of an 
unconverted sinner

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