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Canaanitish idols and heathenish abominations',

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"You shall destroy their altars, and break down 
their images, and cut down their groves, and burn 
their engraved images with fire!" Deuteronomy 7:5 

Our hearts are by nature full of Canaanitish idols and 
heathenish abominations
, which must be destroyed! 

Lusts after evil things, 
adulterous images,
idolatrous desires,
strong hankerings after sin—
along with evils which have the impudence
to wear a religious garb
—such as . . .
towering thoughts of our own ability, 
pleasing dreams of creature holiness, 
swellings up of pride—dressed out and painted 
in all the tawdry colours of Satanic delusion—how 
can these abominations be allowed to run rampant 
in the human heart? 

The altars and religious rites of Canaanite's were to be 
destroyed as much as their idols! And thus we may say 
of that very religious being—man, that his false worship 
and heathenish notions of God must be destroyed—as well 
as his more flagrant, though not more dangerous, lusts 
and abominations. 

The sentence against both is, "Destroy them!" They 
must not stand side by side with Immanuel, who is 
to have the pre-eminence in all things, and who is 
"the Alpha and the Omega—the first and the last." 

And O what a mercy it is to have both our FLESHLY and 
RELIGIOUS abominations both destroyed!
 For I am sure 
that God and self never can rule in the same heart—that 
Christ and the devil can never reign in the same bosom
—each claiming the supremacy!

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