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But oh, the struggle! oh, the conflict!',

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"I will overturn, overturn, overturn it; and it
shall be no more."  Ezekiel 21:27

Jesus wants our hearts and affections. Therefore
every idol must go down, sooner or later, because
the idol draws away the affections of the soul from 
Christ. Everything that is loved in opposition to Him 
must sooner or later be taken away, that the Lord 
Jesus alone may be worshipped. Everything which
exacts the allegiance of the soul must be overthrown.

Jesus shall have our heart and affections, but in 
having our heart and affection, He shall have it . . .
solely, and 
He shall have it entirely for Himself.
He shall reign and rule supreme. 

Now, here comes the conflict and the struggle. 
SELF says, "I will have a part." Self wants to be . . .
bowed down to. 
Self wants to indulge in, and gratify its desires. 
Self wants, in some way, to erect its throne in 
opposition to the Lord of life and glory. 

But Jesus says, "No! I must reign supreme!" 

Whatever it is that stands up in opposition to Him, 
down it must go! Just as Dagon fell down before 
the ark, so self must fall down before Christ . . .
in every shape,
in every form, 
in whatever subtle guise self wears, 
down it must come to a wreck and ruin before 
the King of Zion!

So, if we are continually building up SELF
Jesus will be continually overthrowing self.

If we are setting up our idols
He shall be casting them down.

If we are continually hewing out "cisterns 
that can hold no water," He will be continually 
dashing these cisterns to pieces. 

If we think highly of our knowledge
we must be reduced to total folly.

If we are confident of our strength
we must be reduced to utter weakness.

If we highly esteem our attainments, or in 
any measure are resting upon the power of 
the creature
, the power of the creature must 
be overthrown, so that we shall stand weak 
before God, unable to lift up a finger to deliver 
our souls from going down into the pit. 

In this way does the Lord teach His people the 
lesson that Christ must be all in all. They learn . . .
not in the way of speculation,
nor in the way of mere dry doctrine,
not from the mouth of others, but 
they learn these lessons in painful soul-experience.

And every living soul that is sighing and longing after
a manifestation of Christ and desiring to have Him
enthroned in the heart; every such soul will know,
sooner or later . . .
an utter overthrow of self, 
a thorough prostration of this idol, 
a complete breaking to pieces of this beloved image, 
that the desire of the righteous may be granted, and 
that Christ may reign and rule as King and Lord in him 
and over him, setting up His blessed kingdom there, and 
winning to Himself every affection of the renewed heart.

Are there not moments, friends, are there not some 
few and fleeting moments when the desire of our souls 
is that Christ should be our Lord and God; when we are 
willing that He should have every affection; that every 
rebellious thought
 should be subdued and brought into 
obedience to the cross of Christ; that every plan should 
be frustrated which is not for the glory of God and our 
soul's spiritual profit? 

Are there not seasons in our experience when we can 
lay down our souls before God, and say "Let Christ be 
precious to my soul, let Him come with power to my 
heart, let Him set up His throne as Lord and King, and 
let self be nothing before Him?" But oh, the struggle! 
oh, the conflict! 
when God answers these petitions! 

When our plans are frustrated
, what a 
rebellion works up in the carnal mind! 

When self is cast down, what a rising up of 
the fretful, peevish impatience of the creature! 

When the Lord does answer our prayers, and 
strips off all false confidence; when He does 
remove our rotten props, and dash to pieces 
our broken cisterns, what a storm; what a 
 takes place in the soul! 

But He is not to be moved; He will take His own way. 
"I will overturn, let the creature say what it will. I will 
overturn, let the creature think what it will. Down it 
shall go to ruin! It shall come to a wreck! It shall be 
overthrown! My purpose shall be accomplished, and 
I will fulfil all My pleasure. Self is a rebel who has 
set up an idolatrous temple, and I will overturn and 
bring the temple to ruin, for the purpose of manifesting 
My glory and My salvation, that I may be your Lord and 
your God."

If God has overturned our bright prospects, shall we say 
it was a cruel hand that laid them low? If He has overthrown 
our worldly plans
, shall we say it was an unkind act? If He
has reduced our false righteousness to a heap of rubbish, 
in order that Christ may be embraced as our all in all, shall 
we say it was a cruel deed? 

Is he an unkind father who takes away poison from 
his child, and gives him food? Is she a cruel mother 
who snatches her boy from the precipice on which he 
was playing? No! The kindness was manifested in the 
act of snatching the child from destruction!

So if the Lord has broken and overthrown our purposes, 
it was a kind act; for in so doing He brings us to nothing, 
that Christ may be embraced as our all in all
, that our 
hearts may echo back, "O Lord, fulfil all Your own promises 
in our souls, and make us willing to be nothing; that upon the 
nothingness of self, the glory and beauty and preciousness 
of Christ may be exalted!"

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