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Book 2 of Musings Religion and Jesus

Religion consists of a dead set of beliefs and rules

The Lord Jesus is alive. Religions are created by man. The Lord Jesus came from God. The problem with religion is it doesn't dance with Jesus.

Religion is like a domineering, self-centered woman who can never be pleased. Her name is Babylon the Great. Jesus is always dancing along, skipping off to something wonderful.

"Come dance with Me," Jesus calls. Religion glares furiously at the happy couple.

There really is an enormous gulf between religion and Jesus.

Jesus is a person. Religion is a set of rules and practices that the devout observe.

God told us His requirement is that we practice righteousness, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.

It appears that no covenant prior to the Law of Moses produced this simple relationship.

The Law of Moses did not produce this simple relationship.

The new covenant does not produce this simple relationship.

We see the religious tendency in Peter as he sought to build three tabernacles. Peter was in the Presence of Jesus, Moses, Elijah, and he wanted to build buildings that would hold the Glory he, James, and John were experiencing.

The Great Commission tells us to build disciples. We build churches.

The Lord wants to walk with us every minute of every day and night. But we have Him pretty well corralled on Sunday morning at eleven o'clock. After one o'clock the same day we amuse ourselves one way or another.

We humans just can't understand the simple desire of the Lord Jesus to have constant fellowship with us.

Practice righteousness, love mercy. Walk humbly with God.

The religious leaders twisted the Law of Moses until religious observances took the place of godly behavior.

The religious leaders of today have twisted Divine grace until godly behavior is no longer an essential part of salvation.

Jesus wants us to be with Him in the bosom of the Father. We want to go to the spirit Paradise and live in a mansion.

As far as mercy is concerned, religious Jews and Christians have often been unmerciful. We see the lack of mercy in the Pharisees. We see the lack of mercy as the Catholic prelates tortured and murdered those believers who did not agree with them.

And how about walking humbly with God? When have Christians been known for their humility? There have been noteworthy of humble religious saints. But religious arrogance is not uncommon.

In my mind, the most important aspect of our redemption is walking with God.

In the beginning God walked in the garden. Adam and Eve, apparently, could visit with God any time they desired. What would you and I give if we could go visit with the Lord Jesus any time we wished!

But did Adam and Eve take advantage of this? Apparently not, with disastrous results.

How about today? Isn't it true that most of the time, money, and strength of the Christian institutions is occupied with what people are going to accomplish? Plans, seminars, building programs, marketing devices-these abound. How many denominations advocate a simple walk with Jesus.

As for me, after having been a Christian for many years, I want no more to do with religious enterprises, except as the Lord leads. I want to know Christ more than I do. I want to live in His resurrection power, and share whatever sufferings are my portion.

I want to be able to talk to the Lord at all times, continually asking His opinion of this and that. I don't want any aspect of my life that is not constantly being held up before Jesus for His evaluation.

I ask the Lord about everything, right down to the smallest detail. Being pastor of a church, many problems come my way. I keep giving them to the Lord. He keeps giving me wisdom and assuring me that He has the situation under control.

I am learning not to grasp anything. Just let the Lord do what He is doing.

After all, He said He would build His Church. I am letting Him do just that.

When I pray about the attendance, the Lord says: "You take care of the Word. I will take care of the attendance."

We know from reading the accounts of revivals how the Lord will suddenly move and thousands of people will come running. God can bring people any time He wants to, just as He brought the animals to Noah's Ark.

I am not saying we should make no effort to add people to a congregation or that we should be reclusive. Rather, I am suggesting that if we keep in close touch with the Lord He will direct us in the matter of church attendance.

I have noticed in our own assembly how the Lord will see a need, and then bring someone to join us-sometimes from afar. After the individual has been here for awhile, we suddenly understand why he or she was needed in our congregation.

I am not suggesting the Lord will lead everyone in this manner. My point is that we need to be more concerned with hearing from Jesus than we are with plans and programs, no matter how worthy.

There are so many religious program today! I don't know which ones are of God. Many of the large youth gatherings are great occasions to find a boyfriend or girlfriend. Yet, it is obvious that spiritual good often comes from them. The Lord understands young people and it is not His way to stifle their normal desires.

I want to know Jesus more. I want to keep my hands off the Ark, not grasp anything, and let Christ work His wonderful works.

I don't ever want religion to come between me and the Lord. Many Americans, I believe, feel this way. So they try to serve God by themselves. This is a dangerous path to take because of the prevalence of deception. It is true also that we can be built up in Christ only by the gifts and ministries of the members of the Body of Christ.

It takes faith to just walk with God and not do religious works. But isn't that how the righteous are supposed to live?

The older I get the less I know. But Christ is becoming ever more real to me. Looking at religion from a distance I can see why the New Testament refers to it as "Babylon the Great."

The day is coming, I think, when the true brothers of Christ will be driven from the major cities of the earth. But there will the great religious institution, perhaps consisting of all religions, including Christianity; and perhaps located in Iraq at the site of ancient Babylon.

If Jesus is walking with us at all times, we have nothing to fear. One person with Jesus is a majority. Religion shall finally be destroyed by the Antichrist government, and all that will be left will be the wicked and the truly righteous.

Marvelous things are ahead. They will come forth in the midst of turmoil. But at the time of greatest darkness, the Lord will come, skipping on the mountains of spices.

Listen! My lover! Look! Here he comes, leaping across the mountains, bounding over the hills. (Song 2:8)

My lover spoke and said to me, "Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me." (Song 2:10-13)