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Book 2 of Musings God's Actions and Our Response

Every act of redemption begins with Divine intervention and becomes effective through human response.

God acts and then we must obey.

I don't think any Christian would disagree with the statement that salvation begins with an action on God's part and then we have to respond. However, in practice this principle often is violated in two ways.

The first way in which the principle is violated occurs when we set out to do Kingdom work without waiting for the guidance of the King. The attitude seems to be that we know from the Bible what it is we are supposed to do, so there is no need to wait until we know the mind of the Spirit.

The second way in which the principle of Divine intervention and human response can be seen is the manner in which faith and grace are defined today. The current concept of "Divine sovereignty" suggests that no matter what we do, once we make a profession of belief in Jesus Christ we enter a state of invulnerability. No matter what we do after we make the proper profession we will be resurrected when the Lord appears; we will be caught up to Heaven; we will hear nothing negative at the Judgment Seat of Christ; and we will live in a mansion forever. This philosophy is more Gnostic than Christian.

The first and second manners of response and attitude to the Divine salvation are incorrect and destructive of the Kingdom of God.

The first violation of the biblical pattern of intervention and response, that of launching out in Kingdom work without waiting for direction from the King, has plagued Christianity from early times. We appear to be unable to wait on the Lord for direction. It is as though God is ineptly sitting up in Heaven, waiting to see what we are going to do about the things He has told us in the Bible.

I ran into this belief many years ago while attending Bible school. "Millions are sliding into Hell every day because we haven't traveled to the mission field and 'burnt out for Christ.'" I could not survive under this intolerable burden. It was then I told the Lord I would do whatever He said, if He would provide the strength and the means. After that I ceased worrying about the millions sliding into Hell. I had put the ball in God's court.

As one might imagine, God has not directed me into any great actions but has gently led me throughout my discipleship.

Church history has been chaotic because of the efforts of ambitious people to perform the work of the Kingdom in their own wisdom and strength. Of course, they have prayed to the Lord to help them with their plans. But it has not been a case of "separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them." Rather, in too many instances it has been enjoined on us to consider the plight of the heathen and to "do something about it." This is the blind leading the blind.

The eleventh chapter of the Book of Hebrews is devoted to the definition of "the just shall live by faith." If we will meditate on what we read in the eleventh chapter we will find it is a description of people obeying God, not of believers "stepping out in faith."

God spoke in time past to the fathers. Now He has spoken to us. We are to obey, not think of ways to add to what God has spoken.

I think our fear is that God will not speak to us or let us know what He wants, but is waiting for us to figure out what we are supposed to do. This is a good way to bring forth Ishmael, so to speak.

If God does not know what He is doing, or does not care that millions are sliding into Hell; if God, who possesses all power and every resource, is not interested enough to tell us what we are to do, and then to pay for it; then we are in trouble sure enough.

God gave clear directions to the Israelites when they asked Him for guidance, sometimes utilizing the Urim and Thummim. If God so led the Israelites, are we who are under a vastly superior covenant to believe that God no longer gives direction to His saints?

But in order to hear from the Lord we have to cease from making new plans and wait for the Lord. For ambitious believers, especially those who have "something to prove" or a vested interest of some sort, letting go of our creative solutions and waiting for God to speak can be quite difficult.

Then we come to the second way in which we violate the pattern of Divine intervention and human response. We are advised that God will "do it all." There is nothing we are to do after we "accept Christ." It is all by grace and faith. If Christ wishes to transform us morally He will do so without any help from us. There is no need to keep the commandments issued by Christ and His Apostles. These have been given only to show us how impossible it is to serve God. We are to believe only. Our watchword is to be "faith alone."

Given the dynamics of human existence, in view of the multitude of pressures that counsel us to violate God's eternal moral laws, the surest way to destroy the moral strength of the believer is to tell him to do nothing but wait for Christ to do it all.

The Jews had a very difficult time with God's commandments, and now we are told we Christians are not required even to attempt to keep God's commandments. Net effect: God's commandments are kept by no one.

I wonder how many people consider this fact and actually believe it is acceptable to God that people do not obey Him? It is neither scriptural nor logical. It makes no sense at all.

Think of it! The origin of all the trouble in the universe can be traced to the rebellion of Satan and his angels. And now we are supposed to believe that we have God's approval when we do not do what He has told us to do.

"Ah, but this is the work that God wants-that we believe in His Son."

True enough. If we believe in His Son, and love His Son, we will do what His Son has commanded us to do. Several times Jesus said, "If you love me, keep My commandments."

How can we say be believe in the Son if we do not keep His commandments? This is the kind of foolishness that often characterizes the religions of the world

There is no more formidable foe of character and common sense than religion, including the Christian religion.

Today the Muslims are murdering Christians. Why? Because they are afraid some Muslims will be converted to Christianity.

Why do the Muslims hate Christianity and are afraid of conversions? Because the Muslims believe that faith in Christ will remove the moral principles of those who are converted.

Are they incorrect?

This past week 200 people were killed in Nigeria. The Muslims and the Christians have been at war. Why have they been at war? Because the government of Nigeria decided to host the Miss World contest.

For those of you who do not know about the Miss World contest, it is similar, apparently, to the Miss Universe and Miss America contests.

What are these contests about? How do they proceed?

They are displays of female flesh, somewhat similar to a cattle auction.

One would think that the women of the world would rise up in protest at these contests that present them as so many animals to be lusted over. But they do not. I wonder why?

In any case, the Muslims and Christians have been at war over this contest, particularly because some ill-advised individual stated that were Mohammed alive he would have picked out one of the girls for himself.

Now, who do you suppose is resisting this invitation to lust, the Muslims or the Christians? Who do you suppose caused such an uproar that the pageant has been moved to apostate London, where any form of lust seems to be acceptable?

It is the Muslims who are holding the high moral ground and protesting violently against this particular form of decadence.

Let me give you a statement from The San Diego Union Tribune, Monday, November 25, 2002. Glenn McKenzie of Associated Press wrote the article. The following observation was made by Emmanuel Ijewere, president of the Nigerian Red Cross: "Some Christians feel especially bitter, because with the exit of Miss World, they have lost a symbolic battle while the Muslims have won."

The Christians lost the battle. They wanted Miss World to parade female flesh so the men watching could drool in their lust.

The Muslims abhor this sort of female exhibitionism.

Whose side is God on?

It is no wonder the Muslims are outraged at the thought the Christian evangelists would succeed in luring some morally pure Muslim girl into Western decadence.

Are the Muslims on moral high ground when they murder people in order to further their cause? Absolutely not! They will stand guilty of murder before the court of God. Aren't we Christians guilty of provoking them to murder by seeking to draw them into the ways of Western decadence?

And why are the Western, Christian nations decadent?

Because of the prevailing view of the Divine salvation as being a means of pleasing God by a statement of belief rather than by keeping His commandments.

God's New Testament commandments include prohibitions against all forms of sexual lust and perversion. But numerous Christians and their pastors are bound with the chains of lust, including additions to pornography.

What is the solution? The solution for both the Muslims and the Christians, as well as for all ethnic groups, is for Christian believers to reject the notion that belief in Jesus Christ is an alternative to keeping God's righteous commandments, as found in the New Testament. We who profess to have accepted Christ must begin to follow Christ each day, as He enables us to overcome the world, the lusts of our flesh, and our self-will.

When we reveal the Character of Christ in our personality and behavior, it will be as a city set on a hill. Then Christ will be lifted up and all people will be drawn to Him.

America is going to be punished until the Christians decide to serve God. If they do not, our suffering surely will be prolonged.

We are not to just launch out in Kingdom work until we have heard clearly from the Lord.

We are not to just wait for Christ to cause us to keep His commandments. We are to pray every day, read our Bible every day, gather regularly with fervent believers, give of our means, serve, and above all, present our body as a living sacrifice to God. Only then will we be in a position to hear the Lord when He speaks to us. When we notice an exhortation in the New Testament we are to pray that God will give us the wisdom and strength to obey the writer.

Until a significant number of Christians in America actually do these things, God's hand of protection will be removed from our country.

And there shall be no escape in an unscriptural "rapture"!

While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them." (Acts 13:2)

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)