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Bitten by this serpent's tooth'

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No man has ever sounded the depths of the fall. 

The children of God have indeed discoveries of the 
evil of sin. And they have such views at times of 
the desperate wickedness and awful depravity of 
human nature, that they seem as if filled with 
unspeakable horror at the hideous enormity of 
the corruption that works in their carnal mind. 

But no man has ever seen, as no man ever can see, 
in this time-state, what sin is to its full extent, and 
as it will be hereafter developed in the depths of hell. 

We may indeed in our own experience see something 
of its commencement; but we can form little idea of 
its progress, and still less of its termination. For sin 
has this peculiar feature attending it, that it ever 
spreads and spreads until it involves everything 
that it touches in utter ruin.

We may compare it in this point of view to the 
venom-fang of a serpent. There are serpents of 
so venomous a kind, as for instance the Cobra 
de Capello, or hooded snake, that the introduction 
of the minutest portion of venom from their poison 
tooth will in a few hours convert all the fluids of 
the body into a mass of putrefaction. A man shall 
be in perfect health one hour, and bitten by this 
serpent's tooth
 shall in the next, be a loathsome 
mass of rottenness and corruption. Such is sin. 

The introduction of sin into the nature of Adam at 
the fall was like the introduction of poison from the 
fang of a deadly serpent into the human body. It at 
once penetrated into his soul and body, and filled 
both with death and corruption.

Or, to use a more scriptural figure, sin may be 
compared to the disease of leprosy, which usually 
began with a "bright spot," or "rising in the skin", 
scarcely perceptible, and yet spread and spread 
until it enveloped every member, and the whole 
body becoming a mass of putrefying hideous 

Or sin may be compared to a cancer, which begins 
perhaps with a little lump causing a slight itching, 
but goes on feeding upon the part which it attacks, 
until the patient dies worn out with pain and suffering. 

Now if sin be . . .
this venom fang,
this spreading leprosy,
this loathsome cancer
if its destructive power be so great that, unless 
arrested and healed, it will destroy body and soul 
alike in hell, the remedy for it, if remedy there be, 
must be as great as the malady. Thus if there be . . .
a cure for sin,
a remedy for the fall,
a deliverance from the wrath to come, 
it must be at least as full and as complete 
as the ruin which sin has entailed upon us.

The man who has slight, superficial views and feelings 
of sin will have equally slight and superficial views of 
the atonement made for sin. The groans of Christ will 
never sound in his ears as the dolorous groans of an 
agonizing Lord; the sufferings of Christ will never be 
opened up to his soul as the sorrows of Immanuel, God 
with us; the death of Christ will never be viewed by him, 
as the blood shedding of the darling Son of God. While 
he has such slight, superficial views of the malady, his 
views of the remedy will be equally slight and superficial. 

As we are led down into a spiritual knowledge of self 
and sin, so we are led up into a gracious knowledge 
of the Lord Jesus Christ.

By suffering all the penalties of our sin, Jesus redeems 
us from the lowest hell and raises us up to the highest 
heaven—empowering poor worms of earth to soar above 
the skies and live forever in the presence of Him who 
is a consuming fire!

"And she will have a son, and you are to name Him 
Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins." 
Matthew 1:21

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