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Believing About Jesus or Believing In Jesus 7

I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, (Philippians 3:10-NIV)

This is the mark toward which we are pressing: to be crucified with Christ, to live by Christ, to live by the power of His resurrection, to share His sufferings.

We see, therefore, that there is a world of difference between believing the things about Jesus and believing in Jesus. There is no life in the former, it is only dead religion, dead theology.

The life is in Jesus. As we look constantly to Him, every day and every night of our life, we are healed. Every time we look to Him we are healed.

Our American culture is becoming a cesspool of moral debauchery. It is only by looking always to Jesus that we can cease fretting about the darkness and rise to walk with Him who always is Victory, Peace, and Joy.

The Christian churches, because of their doctrine, are not bearing witness of Christ. The witness of Christ is composed of the good works of the believers. Where there are no good works there is no moral light, no lampstand, no testimony.

The Jews are not the only ones who remain in darkness because the Christians are not righteous in behaviour. The Arab world, for example, despises the moral behaviour they see in us. We cannot blame them. It is true. Who knows what effect we would have on the Arabs if we began to act like we feared God and believed in Him!

But the fear of God has departed from America to a great extent. Therefore we are due for terrible calamities as God calls us back to Himself.

If trouble comes knocking on your door, look to Jesus. Maybe He is the One who is responsible for your misfortune. Perhaps He is calling you to a closer walk with Himself.

Hopefully the day will come when my Jewish friend can hold up her head among her Orthodox relatives and friends and boast that the Christians indeed are walking in righteousness, just as has been true of so many of the Jewish heroes of faith described in the Tenach.

If we want Jesus Christ to know us we must depart from iniquity at once and begin to serve God in righteousness, holiness, and obedience. Then the world will see our good works and glorify our Father who is in Heaven. The Jews, the Arabs, and all others will recognise that God indeed was the One who sent Jesus Christ.

But as long as we persist in our delusion that a mere pronouncement of belief about the things of Christ is our ticket to Heaven, and that we are about to take off to Heaven in an unscriptural "rapture" and leave the Jews, the Arabs, and everyone else to the tender mercies of Satan and the Antichrist, while we continue in our worldliness, lust, and self-will, then we can be sure that the blood of the unsaved will be on our hands and we ourselves will be thrown into the outer darkness because we have buried the Kingdom talent that has been given to us.

(from Believing About Jesus or Believing In Jesus?)

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