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Another Jesus—Another Spirit

The Kingdom Is Not Here

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I repeat: The inclusion of Jesus Christ—and anything else!—within the gospel of the kingdom of God is very, very different from what Mr. Armstrong taught in his booklet, and from what you have seen in his many statements just quoted, and throughout this book. Other “gospels” are COUNTERFEITS—simply not biblical—and this was easily demonstrated as not what any of God’s servants from past ages announced. Chapter One offered only some of that proof.

First, take a moment to read Galatians 1:6-9, and the curse (stated twice) connected to bringing “another gospel.” Then pause and grasp the additional seriousness of what else doing this means—the GRAVE DANGERspringing from what is actually being brought into LCG, UCG and other groups with this revised “gospel.” You must understand WHY God places a curse on those who pervert the gospel—those who blur or confuse His “Genesis to Revelation” announcement about His now imminent WORLD GOVERNMENT under the God Family!

Next then, turn to II Corinthians 11:3-4. Again, I repeat for emphasis: This passage explains and connects the world’s different, false “another Jesus” to “another gospel” about their “Jesus,” and all of this, in turn, is connected to “another spirit” (and then also to a host of doctrines associated with this worldly “Jesus”). The apostle John labels this alien spirit the “spirit of error” (I John 4:6).

This is the SAME SPIRIT guiding the churches of professing Christianity, and it is identified and exposed in Ephesians 2:2!

Understand the extreme gravity here. Comprehend why it is VITAL to get this point straight! This very different, but very REAL, “another spirit” directly introduces—and is importing into the two largest splinters (and into several other groups)—the Protestant harlots’ (Rev. 17:5) whorish counterfeit definition of the “body of (their) ‘Christ.’” You must not let this escape you!

Extreme Danger!

Another critically important element ties in here, and it is directly connected to where the true Christ is leading His Work and Church. Both of these splinters (with virtually all of the other groups in agreement) teach that Christ no longer works exclusively in—is Head of—one organization—no longer leads only ONE unified, organized, uncompromising Church. Since the apostasy, many seem to find themselves almost forced to believe that Christ’s Church—the same as the biblical Body of Christ, as has been mentioned and as was seen in Mr. Armstrong’s statements—now supposedly consists of many “fellowships,” “communities of believers,” “branches,” and so forth.

This is totally contrary to I Corinthians 1:10, 13 and 12:1-31, Ephesians 4:2-16, John 15 ALL, Matthew 12:25-30, among numerous other passages—and to all that Mr. Armstrong taught about the Body of Christ. (Prepare for Chapter Fourteen to shock your thinking in a related, but unexpected, regard.) This substitute idea asserts, in effect, that Christ and His Body are now divided among MANY ORGANIZATIONS. This is exactly what the “harlot daughter” churches (Rev. 17:5) believe and what they taught to the WCG apostates. The apostates, in turn, taught the Protestant “Jesus” and his counterfeit “body” and “gospel” to the splinter leaders before they fled the apostasy.

All elements of this are literally the doctrines of WHORES! Yet almost no one noticed.

Here is what the reader must recognize: The Protestant world believes in a completely different (counterfeit) “body” of a totally different (counterfeit) “Christ,” emanating from an entirely different and alien “SPIRIT”—notthe Spirit of God. All of these churches are led by the “spirit of disobedience” (Eph. 2:2) shown to be sent from the “god of this world” (II Cor. 4:4)!

To summarize, when the splinter leaders (while still back in the WCG) unwittingly accepted the apostates’ “harlot” teaching about the “body” of their “Jesus,” this set up the large splinters they lead to also unknowingly be thrown OUTSIDE the true Body of Christ and directly TOWARD the false, Protestant, counterfeit “body of ‘Christ.’”

Remember, Paul taught, “for by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body” and “for the body is not one member, but many” (I Cor. 12:13-14). Obviously, the early protestors were able to read this passage—and it presented them with a big problem. After Luther rejected Rome, each new protesting leader (Calvin, Wesley, Henry VIII, etc.) was forced to accept a new teaching compatible with the divided, competing and rapidly multiplying picture of denominations that the Protestant world was becoming. These men and others who followed had to reconcile the idea of one “body of Christ” with hundreds of denominations, and more appearing all the time! Think of it. Since they had rejected Rome’s position that it was the sole true church, these differing groups had no choice but to greatly broaden their definition of Christ’s Body.

Just as obviously, within this overall understanding must come the reminder that, no different from the Catholics, the Protestants are led by the spirit of the “god of this world” (II Cor. 4:4). The alien spirit that John and Paul spoke of—which is the leaven (I Cor. 5:6; Gal. 5:9), cancer and gangrene (II Tim. 2:17) that Paul referenced in his epistles—is truly the COUNTERFEIT SPIRIT through which the Protestants’ “baptisms” place theirmembers into their re-engineered and counterfeit substitute “body of Christ.”

This is the plate from which the apostates dined! And it is the poisonous diet they served to the splinter leaders, who in turn are serving the same to their organizations—and YOU!

Grasp this thoroughly! Tapping into this spirit—SATAN’S SPIRIT—is what quickly destroyed the Worldwide Church of God. This SAME SPIRIT has entered and is now slowly seducing and destroying the splinters, with only the Great Tribulation to mercifully cut short the process so that one half of Laodicea will be able to be saved. Do not permit this to escape your thinking.

It transcends everything that is happening in the splinters!

PROOF Satan’s Spirit is Present

Before leaving the subject of how another (the Greek means “different”) Jesus and his gospel is being taught in the splinters, one final point—and it is really a VITAL PROOF for the reader!—must be covered. It can bedemonstrated that the “Jesus” within the splinters’ “gospel” cannot possibly be the true Christ of the Bible, and it can be absolutely PROVEN that this inclusion is tied directly to Satan’s spirit at work. Let’s see this made plain. Follow carefully what is explained! Consider how each element now referenced is tied together to present the big picture.

Some might see the splinters’ inclusion of “Jesus Christ” into the gospel of the kingdom as a mere technical error, an innocent mistake, one that should not be seen as connected to a different spirit present in the thinking of the leaders who teach this.

Therefore, the following greatest of questions emerges: Would the Spirit of God, the one emanating from thetrue Jesus Christ, be responsible for—in other words, would it be behind or guiding—the inclusion of the trueChrist into the gospel? The obvious answer is OF COURSE NOT! And the true Jesus Christ would never permit HIS CHURCH to insert Him into the gospel, thereby creating one that He and the apostles never preached. Think. THINK! This would require Him to curse His own Church. He simply could neither guide nor permit this to happen.

Get this straight before continuing.

Where “another spirit” is at work bringing “another gospel” with “Jesus” in it, THAT spirit would always bring “another Jesus” (with his other false doctrines)! So, by contrast, the god of this world does want his “Jesus” included in his gospel, and he would have no interest in the inclusion of the TRUE Christ in it. In other words, Satan wants to create two huge false teachings in one: (1) Pervert the gospel of the kingdom, and invoke the Galatians 1:6-9 curse, and at the same time (2) turn God’s people away from the true Christ of the Bible!

What could be better? From Satan’s perspective, pulling off such a doctrinal coup is “better than perfect.” But he knows that there are also two additional advantages—two more natural byproducts—of his strategy: (1) The many OTHER doctrines of his Jesus are automatically able to follow, and (2) the effectiveness of the Work as anything that could be directed by the true Christ is destroyed in this equation! And this would be true even if the pattern of correct government were present anywhere in the splinters, and it is not.

Can you now see the three elements of deception and counterfeit listed in II Corinthians 11:4 in their true light? The whole thing becomes a “package deal.”

Reread this section until it becomes plain—until it becomes crystal-clear proof of which spirit has lead the splinters away from some of the Bible’s most important truths—the gospel, the definition of the Church and Body of Christ, and then necessarily how God’s government can lead only one organization, as well as which Jesus to follow, the basic elements comprising the Work of God, and so much more.

Then—Slipping Into the “Social Gospel”

There is perhaps no greater illustration of how the spirit of error that drives the churches of the world—Satan’s churches—has entered the splinters than in the case of their growing acceptance of the popular Protestant “social gospel” on top of the already-existing emphasis of “leading people to ‘Jesus’” by “witnessing” His “name.” (Recall Mr. Armstrong’s social gospel reference.)

Let’s understand the “fingerprints” of the other Jesus.

Invariably, in the wake of a tragedy or a natural disaster, the governments, organizations, relief agencies and churches of men swing into action to help the victims in all the ways that men do in such circumstances. Some of the splinters who, again, were indoctrinated in the apostates’ thinking, which they, I repeat, derived from worldly Christian “theologians,” now usually offer assistance. For instance, this happened in the wake of devastation from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, as well as in the aftermath of the tsunami of late 2004.

How It Works

The social gospel is best summarized in this way: The world’s churches believe they have a duty—an obligation—to improve this world, to address its problems, and to strive to fix them. Of course, this is synonymous with the idea that they are to spread “Christianity”—“Jesus”—throughout the world. This idea, in turn, derives from the belief that the kingdom of God is now on Earth. (Recall that the apostates emphasized this.) Thus, it is the task of the world’s churches to spread this “kingdom” in whatever way they can. This naturally tends to involve addressing disease, poverty, ignorance, race relations, depressed economies, “human rights” and wars, including civil wars. Of course, their efforts would next just as naturally include helping in all manner of humanitarian crises in the wake of earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, droughts, calamities and other disasters. (It is in these kinds of events that evangelical Protestants have been conditioned to see as opportunity to “witness” Jesus.)

This introduces an interesting email written in response to an article we had posted about Hurricane Katrina just after it struck the American Gulf Coast. It is a classic example of how most professing Christians see the role of churches in the wake of such calamities:

“I found your article on New Orleans very informative. However, nowhere did I see any suggestion on how to help the unfortunate people, who can not help themselves. As the rebuilding will take many months and longer, where will the children go to school, or play? Myself and many thousands of my countrymen, would only be too glad to open our home, for as long as it takes, to afford them a safe abode and a chance to continue their education. Could you be instrumental in initiating a campaign?”

This email is understandable, but it is not, and never has been, the purpose of God’s Church and His Work to in any way try to “repair” or “fix” or “improve” a world cut off from God by sin (Isa. 59:1-2; Jer. 5:25)—a world and a sinning Israel whom He is punishing. God’s people are supposed to recognize—and deeply understand from the very most basic elements of prophecy (Jer. 30:7; Dan. 12:1; Matt. 24:21)!—that what has been happening to America and other Israelitish nations is that a loving God is beginning to set up a vastly greater punishing of His disobedient (Israelite) children in the Great Tribulation, with one year of WORLD PUNISHMENT to follow.

God’s people must comprehend—and remember—this!

Like any parent chastising his child for wrongdoing, God does not want interference with the punishment of Hischildren. More than any others, true Christians should understand this! God’s people must not FIGHT HIM, meaning His long understood purpose. No matter how sincere, they must never put themselves in a position of unwittingly thwarting that purpose. What human parent, when he is disciplining his child, wants a neighbor interrupting by trying to comfort the child in the middle of the process, thus muting—directly countering, in effect—at least some of the punishment?

Regarding the world, with its affairs, difficulties and disasters, Jesus taught, “Let the dead bury their dead” (Matt. 8:22). The Church once plainly understood that this meant to let the spiritually dead bury the physically(and spiritually) dead! Further, Christ is also saying, “Do not interfere with any so-called ‘love,’ whenPUNISHMENT is the kind of real love necessary now” (Prov. 3:11-12; 13:24).

The Kingdom Is Not Here

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