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(Greek, angelos, 'messenger'), in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, an immortal being or spirit, the attendant or messenger of God, and usually depicted in human form, with wings.

In Jewish and Christian belief angels are regarded as intermediate between God and man. In Islam mala'ika (sing. malak), angels, are considered by some to be lower than man since in the Koran they were commanded to prostrate themselves before Adam.

Belief in guardian angels is widespread among Christians and Muslims.

In Islamic tradition each person is said in addition to have two recording angels who note down his or her good and evil actions.


An angel of the highest rank.

In Jewish and Christian belief, Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, and Uriel are the four archangels who surround the throne of God. In Islam, Jibril, Mikal, and Israfil correspond to the first three, but the fourth is Azrael ('Izra'il), the Jewish and Islamic angel of death.