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A Sight for Men and Angels

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"He showed them His hands and His feet." Luke 24:40

Dear Lord, how can I find words sacred and tender enough, to express the thoughts which You have put into my heart? Oh, help me, that I may tell only that which I have heard, and seen, and my hands have handled, of the Word of Life! Lay Your hand upon mine, as I hold the pen, that it may write only at Your bidding, and by Your authority, for I tremble at the task before me!

It is nearly midnight, and I see a small upper chamber, crowded with anxious and sorrowful people. Two of their number have just come in from a distant village, and they have a wondrous tale to tell, of having seen and talked with the blessed Master, whose shameful death by crucifixion — now three days ago — had filled all their hearts with anguish and fear. They had expected such a different ending to that marvelous life. But what can this news mean? Can He really have risen from the dead? Their souls are stirred within them, as the possibility of this fact dawns upon them. One and another remember that, while He was with them, He spoke of seeing them again; and the two just arrived from Emmaus affirm that they have been in His company, their hearts burning within them as He spoke, and that He "broke bread" with them at the evening meal, thus revealing Himself to them.

Suddenly, while they are questioning and debating — Jesus Himself is in their midst! At once, every voice is hushed, and every heart beats fast with fear, as they scarcely dare to recognize, in this majestic Presence before them — a wondrous likeness to the bruised and wounded human form so lately laid in the grave. Then He speaks — addressing to them the usual salutation of the East, "Peace be with you!" But, at the sound of His voice, a panic of awe seizes them, they are "terrified and affrighted," supposing they see a ghost. Tenderly He calms and soothes them with gentle, reassuring words, and then — as if He were impatient for their welcoming love — "He showed them His hands and His feet."

Blessed Master, that must have been the most marvelous sight that men or angels ever looked upon! The Creator of all worlds standing as a sacrifice for sin — before His own fallen creatures! "God manifest in the flesh," laying bare the wounds which expiated their transgressions! It surpasses comprehension! Lord, enlighten my understanding, that I may know something of this mighty mystery of incarnate love!

"He showed them." Oh, the sweet compassion of Your action, Lord Jesus, the unspeakable love of Your heart — when You spread out Your pierced hands, and drew aside the robe from Your scarred feet — that the poor, unbelieving, and frightened disciples might see the nail-prints — and seeing, might believe, and be at peace! For, were not these wounds of Yours, O Lord, the blessed tokens of Your victory over sin and death; and in thus showing them, did You not, as a Conqueror, gloriously triumph over all Your own and Your people's enemies?

My soul, has your Savior showed to you also, these indelible seals of His dying love for you? And, beholding them, have you realized the enormity of your guiltiness in God's sight, which could be pardoned only at such a price as this? Can you not hear Him say, "I suffered this for you!" — and can you, unmoved, see such a sight, and hear such words? Nay, rather must your full heart follow the experience of those disciples to whom the amazing revelation was first made, for it is recorded that "they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement!"

"His hands and His feet." Those hands which had done so many sweet deeds of mercy, those feet which had made so many weary journeys to help, and bless, and save others — are now bearing the marks of the cruel suffering endured for my sake! Lord Jesus, my heart melts with love and grief, as I ponder on the unknown agonies of Your atonement! For these scars on Your hands, and Your feet, and Your side — are but the outer physical tokens of the inner spiritual anguish, bruising, and smiting of Your soul for my sin!

O heavenly lover, my faith sees You as You stood that night in the veiled majesty of Your resurrection life, pleading, by the eloquence of those "poor silent mouths" on Your sacred body, that those whom You Had loved "even unto death" should believe in You, and trust You for their soul's salvation!

My soul, come afresh to your risen Lord, this morning, and ask Him to show you again something of what His love for you cost Him!
Your pardon, is in His passion,
your healing, is in His stripes,
your life, is in His death!

The two Marys "came and held Him by the feet, and worshiped Him." You should do this also; and while, with penitent love and fully-surrendered heart, you adore Him — He will accept you, and give you grace to say, "My Lord, and my God!"

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