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6:9-11 What does the opening of the fifth seal here signify?

6:9-11 What does the opening of the fifth seal here signify?

This signifies the multitude of saints who will be martyred during the tribulation (cp Mt 24:9; Rev 7:9-14; 17:6). They were beheaded for their witness to Christ (cp Rev 13:7-8, 15-17; 14:13; 15:2-4; 20:4). These are not the church saints as so many Christians believe.

The church and the Old Testament saints were raptured to heaven, which God had predestined before these things - the things which must be hereafter - began in Rev 4 (cp Re 4:1).

The tribulation saints' cry for God to avenge their blood in Rev 6:10 is for the vindication of God's justice, not for personal vengeance. It is a prayer that the wicked who have rejected God and killed His saints, will receive divine justice (cp Ro 12:19 with Rev 18:1-2, 5, 7, 15-16, 20; 19:2).

It should be noted here that the only ones who will be saved during the tribulation are those who have never had an adequate opportunity to receive the knowledge of the truth or to hear and understand the gospel while the church is on earth - before it is raptured to heaven (cp 2Th 2:7-12).

This teaches us that salvation will no longer be available to those who have already heard the gospel and rejected it, once the church is taken out of the way. This includes members of our immediate family and other relatives and friends whom we dearly love, as well as professing Christians not truly committed to Christ, and others who are backslidden. Show them all this scripture and explain what it means, so that they may be won to Christ.

There is no time to lose - the rapture could happen at any moment; there are no prophecies yet to be fulfilled for the rapture to happen (cp Php 3:20-21; Tit 2:13).
