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4:7-11 What is the underlying teaching here?

4:7-11 What is the underlying teaching here?

Peter is exhorting believers here to view their present lives in light of Christ's imminent return and the end of this age (cp He 10:24-25; Jas 5:7-9). As the end of this age draws near believers must be self-controlled and alert, able to pray (cp Lk 18:1-8).

Believers are to love one another sincerely and fervently from the heart. The phrase, "love shall cover a multitude of sins" in 1Pe 4:8 means that love is blind to the faults of others (cp 1Cor 13:1-7; Col 3:14; He 13:1).

Believers are to be hospitable and kind to those in need (cp Mt 25:31-40; 2Cor 9:7; He 13:2; Jas 2:14-17, 26; 1Jn 3:16-19).

Believers are to minister to others through their spiritual gifts (cp Mt 24:44-47; 25:14-30; Ro 12:6-8; 1Cor 4:1-2).

Last but not least, believers must never be found wanting in their witness to Christ.

They must never compromise God's word. He must be glorified in everything they do (cp 1Pe 3:14-16 with Mt 5:14-16).

1 Peter